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Body Shaping job

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Review after 8 days of abdominal liposuction injection

하루생활 2023-03-14 (화) 12:49 1 Years ago 1202
365mc병원 (강남본점)
8 days

The weather is getting warmer... It's proof that spring is coming... Now that I'm single, I'm feeling a sense of crisis that I have to take care of myself. As I look at my stomach that's sagging due to the sense of crisis, I think I don't want to eat again this year. Seeing my belly growing out like an alien belly, I thought if I continued like this, I would be in big trouble. The facial liposuction and extraction injection I had last time worked well, so I decided to get the abdomen as well. I heard that most people get their abdomen and face done, but why did I try the face first? ..haha First of all, I made an appointment and scheduled the procedure on the earliest possible day. I went to the shrine to register and received the procedure with a slightly nervous heart. I had seen facials before, so I was still nervous but not scared. After the procedure, I returned home without any problems. I always feel this, but when I come home alone after the procedure, it's a little strange. There's no pain or discomfort as I expected. Of course, it may be because of the anesthesia, but this time, the photo is taken a week after the procedure. Can you see that the bruise has disappeared and it has gone in a little? I think it will get noticeably better in about 2 weeks, but I'm looking forward to seeing how much better it will improve haha.

Comment 2
eves44 2023-03-14 (화) 17:32 1 Years ago Address
Did you also go on a diet? It looks like you lost weight too~
하루생활 Writer 2023-03-28 (화) 01:25 1 Years ago Address
It's been a while since I came here and I just saw the comments;; After receiving the procedure, I lost a little weight even though I ate like usual. But since I tend to have a bit of an appetite, the loss wasn't significant and I just lost my stomach!
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