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Body Shaping job

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Arm and shoulder liposuction day 3

팔뚞꺼저 2022-04-28 (목) 23:38 2 Years ago 831
I was told that it would hurt less that day due to the anesthesia and that it would hurt the next day, but I thought I was going to die that day . The fluid went down to the surgery area and it hurt so much under the floatation of my lower arm. I took the maximum amount of painkillers that day and woke up again and again, but I barely made it through. Fortunately, the next day, I was in pain. It disappears, and when I move, only the pain remains. I can use my arms for the 3rd day, and I've even driven while wearing a compression garment. I'm lying on my side wearing a compression garment, and I'm using this. The sound of fluid gurgling is still quite noticeable. Doraemon's hand didn't work, and only the lower arm was swollen and increased by 2 cm. The surgery area on the forearm actually decreased by more than 1 cm. I'm looking forward to seeing how the swelling goes down. I hope it goes well......... '
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Comment 9
iridescent… 2022-04-28 (목) 23:43 2 Years ago Address
수술 부위는 확실하게 더 빠지는 것 같아!
나 이제 3주 됐는데 예전에 팔뚝 단추 풀고 입어야 했던 셔츠가 단추 잠그고도 쑥 들어감...
진심 난 너무 좋다!.ㅠ.ㅜ
이 정도면 아픈 건 참을 수 있어 진짜!
팔뚞꺼저 Writer 2022-04-28 (목) 23:47 2 Years ago Address
[@iridescent03] 벌써 시간이...!!! 3주지났다니 부럽싐!!!!! 내가젤고민이었던 그 한부분이라도 정말 성공적이면 좋겠는데 사람의욕심이란 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ^,ㅡ~~~~~
Athsgj 2022-05-15 (일) 15:24 2 Years ago Address
수술 정말 잘 됐나보다 축하해!
나도 팔뚝 지흡 알아보고 있는데 병원정보랑 가격 알려줄 수 있을까?
파브리카 2022-04-29 (금) 11:16 2 Years ago Address
후기 사진 나중에 부탁드려요 수술 마치신거 축하드립니다.
팔뚞꺼저 Writer 2022-05-02 (월) 10:38 2 Years ago Address
[@파브리카] 넹감사해용!!
쩡이니 2022-04-30 (토) 11:59 2 Years ago Address
너도 하고 싶어서 찾아보는데 효과 알려주면 좋겠어요
팔뚞꺼저 Writer 2022-05-02 (월) 10:38 2 Years ago Address
[@쩡이니] 경과더지나면 후기올릴게욧!!!!
몸만남음 2022-05-01 (일) 21:57 2 Years ago Address
와 나랑똑같네 목요일날 나도 팔 부유 등 싹 다 뽑음.. 복부는 11일 다리는 30일날 한다.. 나 지금은 하나도안아픔ㅋㅋ
주무를만 하지않어??
팔뚞꺼저 Writer 2022-05-02 (월) 10:37 2 Years ago Address
[@몸만남음] 나도 등 하고싶었는데 뒤쪽들어가는순간 개미지옥된다는 말듣고 ㅜ 앞쪽만했네 ㅜ 등하고싶다 ㅜㅎㅎ헐 복부 다리까지?????? 전신을 한달안에다해??? 어켘ㅋㄱㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋ 응 지금 주무를만하지 아침마다만 최고로 땡기고 낮부터 잘풀리넹ㅋ
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