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[Fat Grafting]

♨Hot Lung Ring 1st Week Review♨

std05177 2024-11-14 (목) 15:08 28 Days ago 1929
365mc병원 강남본점

It's been a week since I had abdominal liposuction + lung ring!! I'm usually thin, but my stomach sticks out so much that I was really stressed out and worried before getting the surgery . I can't really tell the difference in my lower abdomen because of the swelling, but I can see the change in my pelvic line right after the surgery so I'm so satisfied ㅠㅠㅠㅠ There wasn't as much bruising and swelling as I thought so I can go about my daily life! I think my line will look even prettier once the swelling goes down ㅎㅎㅎ
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Comment 12
비벨 2024-11-15 (금) 11:13 27 Days ago Address
Wow, you were already skinny, but now you look like bone dry....
std05177 Writer 2024-11-15 (금) 13:20 27 Days ago Address
No matter how much I exercised and dieted, that lower belly fat wouldn't go away. I'm satisfied now that it's completely gone!!
포동통 2024-11-15 (금) 18:31 26 Days ago Address
Wow~~!!! I'm finally going to get lung ring surgery on Monday and I'm so excited after reading the reviews. It's a bit scary because it's surgery, but it's really amazing!! I'm worried because it's not just my stomach that's sticking out, but my whole body is sticking out too ㅠㅠ
std05177 Writer 2024-11-18 (월) 16:10 24 Days ago Address
The lung ring hurt a little on the day of the surgery, but it got better after taking medicine!! Get well soon, haha
나도쫌예뻐지자 2024-11-16 (토) 14:48 26 Days ago Address
I'm really interested in lung cancer, but doesn't it hurt? I'd like to ask about hospital information!!!!!
std05177 Writer 2024-11-21 (목) 23:05 20 Days ago Address
수술 당일에만 살짝아팠는데 처방해준 약 먹으니까 괜찮아졌어! 쪽지주면 정보 공유해줄게~~~
지짱키키 2024-11-18 (월) 10:25 24 Days ago Address
화 효과너무좋은데? 허파고리 효과 무섭다!! 라인 너무이뻐!
std05177 Writer 2024-11-21 (목) 23:06 20 Days ago Address
고마워!! 효과가 바로 나타나서 나도 놀랐어!!
요즘 거울 볼 때마다 행복해ㅠㅠ
박예쁜 2024-11-23 (토) 00:43 19 Days ago Address
저도 지금
ㅇ원장님만 고르면 되는 상태인데 어느원장님께 했는지 알수 있을까요 ??
std05177 Writer 2024-11-25 (월) 23:04 16 Days ago Address
쪽지주면 공유 드리겠습니다!!!
남늘 2024-11-25 (월) 18:24 17 Days ago Address
헉 진짜 잘됐어요 비용은 어느 정도 나왔는지 정보 주실 수 있으실까요??
std05177 Writer 2024-11-29 (금) 18:10 13 Days ago Address
감사합니다 ~~
쪽지주면 공유드릴게요
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