<하기전 딱붙티 입었을 때! ><하기전 등살,,,러브핸들,,,옆구리,,,><하고나서 압박복입고 딱붙티 입었을 때!><이건 압박복 입은거..!멍붓기때문에 골반 완전 넓어보이는듯..ㅎㅅㅎ><압박복 입은 뒷태...!><수술하고 첫날 압박복 잠시 벗고 찍은거!!!>It's been about a year since
I had liposuction on the front of my abdomen and thighs,
and I had been maintaining my weight well until then,
but I gained weight rapidly over the past 3 months and
I noticed that I had a lot of back fat that I hadn't noticed beforeㅠ
So I came back this time
and my weight is still the same as before the surgery. Do you think it went well?
Because the love handles and back fat on the upper hip line were taken care of
, my waist looks thinner..?! And my pelvis looks wider
I hope the swelling goes down quicklyㅠㅠ