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Body Shaping job

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Yesin, 3 months into arm liposuction>,<

밈미쓰 2024-06-24 (월) 00:32 11 Days ago 711
365mc병원 강남본점

Ye-shin, it's been 3 months since I started working on my forearms~~   I have a wedding coming up, and honestly, I feel like my forearms have a limit even if I exercise them... (It's no secret that even after taking PT for 2 years, my forearms are at a standstill....) I thought about it and decided to do it, but it's true. I regret it happening a long time ago ㅠㅠㅠ Actually, I didn't think it was that bad, but I took a picture of my back and realized how bulky it was. Even my mom was surprised. At first, I thought it was because of the swelling and bruising, but after receiving regular aftercare, it has really reduced significantly. It becomes more visible as time goes by~~ People who are worried about diaphoresis must do their aftercare without forgetting!!! Should I run away because it hurts? I thought about running away because I was scared after lying down on the operating table, but xxxxxxxxzzxz To be honest, the pain was less than I thought, the surgery felt like it was over quickly, and I think that getting pretty always comes with pain,,,, People who say it doesn't hurt at all That squirm... honestly, it hurts a little!!! But if I persevere, I too can become a boner!!!
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Comment 12
손큰토토로 2024-06-24 (월) 11:13 10 Days ago Address
Wow, trước và sau thật tuyệt vời,,,,,
밈미쓰 Writer 2024-06-25 (화) 10:01 9 Days ago Address
헤헤 맞죠~?
Reeses 2024-06-24 (월) 16:17 10 Days ago Address
Wow cái sau đẹp quá nhỉ? Có vẻ như cuộc phẫu thuật đã diễn ra tốt đẹp!!!
밈미쓰 Writer 2024-06-25 (화) 10:01 9 Days ago Address
갹 너무 감사해요!!!
서울리니2 2024-06-25 (화) 02:54 10 Days ago Address
우와 대박ㄷㄷ 정보 쪽지로 받을 수 있으까???
밈미쓰 Writer 2024-06-25 (화) 10:01 9 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
kounghe686 2024-06-26 (수) 12:50 8 Days ago Address
우와 효과 대박이네요
요니33 2024-06-26 (수) 15:22 8 Days ago Address
진짜 잘됐다! 라인 완전 여리여리해졌다
성형을해 2024-06-26 (수) 15:54 8 Days ago Address
라인 너무 잫 잡혔다…..
59015623 2024-06-29 (토) 13:15 5 Days ago Address
바이오본드 얼마만에 빠뎟어?
저기용가리 2024-07-01 (월) 23:50 3 Days ago Address
우와..진짜 대박이다
또올규 2024-07-03 (수) 08:54 1 Days ago Address
정보 좀 주세요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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