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Body Shaping job

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Forearm. Thighs. Calf liposuction review

Gnforme 2015-07-13 (월) 10:25 9 Years ago 1531
I had a decent body size of 163 and 49, but since I have a heavy body type , I decided to do acupressure to straighten out my lines . And now, it's been exactly a month and a half since I stopped smoking. First of all, the effect you're most curious about is the thighs: The squishy, ​​protruding inner thigh skin has disappeared. So, when I wear skinny pants or shorts, my legs look straight and I look slimmer. It's applied to the area with the highest level of satisfaction. A month and a half later, my right thigh is still tight and tight. But I don't worry too much and I believe it will get better if I give it time. It will get better after receiving follow-up care. Calf: The calf is an area where there is not much fat to remove, but there is a very subtle change in the line. However, if you don't think you will be satisfied with the subtle difference that only you can feel after paying that money, why not do it? Forearms: There were different instructors for each area, but the instructor for my forearms gave me the worst feeling. As expected, I was the least satisfied with the surgery. I think this is a dissatisfaction that arises not because of the area called the forearm, but because of the difference in the doctor who performed the surgery. Of all the details, I was the least satisfied~~^^ Anyway, if you have any questions, please let me know. I don't have a lot of special cases like me, so I hope this helps people who are similar to me^^

Comment 11
하니더럽 2015-07-22 (수) 00:45 9 Years ago Address
종아리는 근육+ 살 형이면 지방흡입하고 보톡스 하시면 더 슬림의 효과가 있는거 같아요...
그리고 팔뚝은 원래 2-3번 해줘야 한대요... 그리고 리프팅시술도 함께 해주면 좋다고 하더라구요...
허벅지는 만족하셨다니 다행이예요!!  다이어트 하기 힘든 부위중 하나가 허벅지 인데...
Gnforme Writer 2015-07-24 (금) 04:01 9 Years ago Address
[@하니더럽] 아 팔뚝은 왜 여러번 해야하죠 ㅜㅜ
안그랴도 보톡스맞으려고요~^^
말랑양 2015-07-23 (목) 11:22 9 Years ago Address
혹시 발목라인 정리도 좀 되나요? 저는 발목이 너무 컴플렉스라서요.ㅠ
Gnforme Writer 2015-07-24 (금) 04:00 9 Years ago Address
[@말랑양] 아녕 발목은 차이없어용 그치만 그부분에 지방이많으시다면 의사선생님과 상담해보시는게 좋을것 긑아용 !
밥도둑 2015-08-02 (일) 02:33 9 Years ago Address
정보좀 주실수 있을까요~~~~~~
꿈꾸는스완 2015-09-10 (목) 11:00 9 Years ago Address
종아리는 별로 효과 없는 거에요?
날개야 2015-09-17 (목) 14:59 9 Years ago Address
근데 왜 팔뚝은 2번3번 해줘야 하는건가요?
제 지인도 몸매에 비해 팔뚝살이 있는편인데요,,,
팔뚝1차 지흡했는데 정말 효과가 미비하더라구요~
희서뉘 2015-11-14 (토) 11:48 8 Years ago Address
브이라인페이스 2016-06-13 (월) 16:29 8 Years ago Address
어느정도 유지가 가능한가요?
큐아유아애 2016-06-22 (수) 11:20 8 Years ago Address
울퉁불퉁하지는 않나요? 정보좀주세요~
김오쥐 2017-10-03 (화) 04:31 6 Years ago Address
병원 정보쫌 주세요오~~~
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