Wow, it’s finally been 3 months! I've regained feeling in my arms, but it's tickling that I'm about to have more! However, if you look at the before and after images clearly, you need to be careful! If I had to pick one thing to solidify the disadvantages of fat extraction injections, it would be when will this scar get better ㅠㅠ Does anyone know ㅜㅜ I'm just waiting because they say it will happen over time haha I guess it's different for everyone! I guess it's because my skin tone is a bit kaloidal ㅜㅜ My friend can't see it anymore! Because it’s been 6 months! At the same time, I am diligently applying the cream haha. Anyway, I am dieting to achieve my goal of arm size of 26cm. I think I need to manage my weight along with my weight so that my lines look different. It is not easy to do aftercare and look pretty, but the lines can be improved with fat extraction injections. Since I feel the magic of looking different, I'm thinking about trying other parts too! Totally satisfied><>