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3-month review of arm diaphragm

짝짝이는싫어요 2018-03-27 (화) 02:24 6 Years ago 5681
I decided to have surgery on my feet, which was the area I was most stressed about because I felt like I gained weight during the winter . I went to a hospital recommended by a bariatric suction cafe, got a consultation, and decided to have it done right away. I was under so much stress that I knew it was a famous place and it was originally expensive. I was shocked because it was on an event page. It's been almost 3 months since the surgery, and I've lost about 3~3.5cm. My height is 162cm, I was 52kg before the surgery, and today I weigh 51kg. It does n't look like my arm lines are complete yet, and my body is still a bit stiff. And especially, my right arm hurts when I sleep at night, so I wake up once in a while. I have a habit of sleeping with my arms raised without realizing it, but I raise them for too long, and my right elbow is sore and sore, so I gently lower my right arm down with my left arm. My right arm hurts by itself, so I can't get it down... This gets more painful as time goes by. It's getting better. The consultant told me that it was a bone arm hospital and that I could remove a lot. After the surgery, he said I lost about 1,700cc. Of course, that would include fluid. I just listened and said, "Yes," but based on my experience of having my abdomen suctioned before the arm surgery, I lost 1,000cc of pure water in the upper, lower, and back convexities of my abdomen at that time. Even after removing it, I had a lot of experience with my waist line (I weighed more back then ), so I thought I couldn't get 1000cc out of both my arms. It's just my arms, not including the floating bra line. I'm not completely obese, and even with InBody, it was the standard. Right now, I'm satisfied with my left arm. I'm in the process. From my experience with abdominal suction, after my first surgery, before the swelling started, my body just went straight. Any areas that are bumpy or have fat remaining will remain the same. Even if there is some fluid before the swelling, when the swelling goes down, it looks like what I saw right after the surgery. That's why I'm more worried. I saw it right after the surgery. At that time, there was a bulge left on the back of my right arm, and when I touched the bulge on the back of my left arm, I felt like there was nothing but leather, but my right arm seemed to have lost less. But it's not like a baby. It's currently very soft, and it's about 2 centimeters thick. The results aren't out yet. Except for the elbows, everything has become soft, so I don't think this part will fall out any more. My husband, who doesn't know he had surgery (he wore underwear in January and February and didn't show his arms) , asked me if I gained weight when I wore a half-sleeveless dress. Oh, what is it? While doing this, I suddenly got irritated and  started massaging my right arm harder. He told me to loosen up. I went to get a progress check a while ago and told him that he thought I had an even arm. He said that if I wait a little longer, it will get better and that both arms can't be the same. There are muscle differences as well. I asked if it would be possible for me to retouch it so that I could feel more comfortable, as long as all the elbow joints were loosened and the back of my right arm was the same. The manager said that it was up to Director Kim to decide, and Director Kim told me to ask the manager because he was a salaried doctor and could not say anything, so I was embarrassed. So I asked the manager. I asked the representative director if he had it done, would he retouch it? The representative director said he has never had a retouch before. Well, then I asked how much it would be if I paid to have only one side retouched. As you know, this is a huge discount at an event price, so if you only do the surgery on one side, No, you have to go in with both arms, but they said it would cost 30 won for anesthesia and how much the surgery fee would be. It was a price that made me think it would be better to go somewhere cheaper and get it done. It was a bit absurd that I had to pay for the surgery without even a little bit of something thicker and with a bulge in the back on one side, of course. I know that I have to wait for the results as my hair hasn't completely healed yet, but while I was waiting, I wanted to hear that I could have a retouch at ease, but hearing the unexpected answer made me feel a bit empty. I should have asked if it was possible to have a retouch before the surgery. Then I wouldn't have done it here  . At the time, Dr. Kim said that even if the surgery ends up being a bit bumpy, you just have to pull it out a bit and transplant it again, and if there is a scar, you can tie it back in. It's simple, and it's our job to make sure that doesn't happen, so I thought they would say it would be retouched, but I was wrong. I 'm only half satisfied with the results of the surgery. Just my left arm. It's not like other people are only looking at my arm, but I'm the only one doing this.

Comment 7
유미상 2018-04-03 (화) 03:58 6 Years ago Address
혼자 그러시기는요 당연히 스트레스 받지요 ㅜㅜ 조금 더 지켜봐야 하지 않을까요?
짝짝이는싫어요 Writer 2018-04-05 (목) 12:21 6 Years ago Address
더 기다리려고 하는데 만약 제 생각대로 지방이 남아있어서 짝짝이 된거라 하더라도 리터치는 없고
제돈주고 다시 해야한다는게 스트레스네요
책임지지 않는병원인듯 합니다
hanee42 2018-04-12 (목) 03:25 6 Years ago Address
후기 도움 많이 되었습니다.
저도 팔뚝과 부유방, 등라인 흡입 생각중인데 바본때문에 많이 고민 되네요. 비수술적 요법(젤틱, 뱅키시 등) +운동병행 과 고민중인데 만약 제 몸이 아예 비만체형이었다면 두번 고민도 안하고 수술을 했겠지만 저 역시 표준체형이기에 어찌해야할지 매년 용기는 못내고 고민만하고있네요.
짝짝이는싫어요 Writer 2018-05-31 (목) 16:03 6 Years ago Address
고민중이시라면 독하게 운동하시길 바랍니다 운동 해도 국소적으로 진짜 안빠지는
부분만 하세요 죽어도 안빠지는 1부분정도 저도 2군데 했는데 이러다 전신 흡입하게
될까봐 걱정이에요 사람 욕심이 끝이 없어요
그레이그레이 2018-04-16 (월) 18:46 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
짝짝이는싫어요 Writer 2018-05-31 (목) 16:00 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
마르게리따 2018-07-15 (일) 09:40 6 Years ago Address
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