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Body Shaping job

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요요없는 지흡은 없네요

눈팅여왕 2019-04-18 (목) 23:43 5 Years ago 2075
분당 지흡전문병원에서 요요없고 압박복없이도 s자라인으로만들어준다는말에 혹해서 수술햇네요
다구라네요 아프기는엄청아프고 멍은엄청들고 3년이지난후 전또 배둘레햄이네요
운동을하자니 아기봐줄사람도 없고 그냥홈트하며 버티는중입니다

Comment 5
젊어지고날씬해지고 2019-04-20 (토) 11:21 5 Years ago Address
I agree with you. I started to lose weight in separate areas (lower abdomen and belly handles), which made my waist slimmer, but as time went by and I had a few children, I started neglecting my care, and my stomach started to bulge out without elasticity , and I gained weight in other places. My body is really weird . If you stop breathing, you need to work harder, especially during pregnancy and childcare.
지방흡입고 2019-05-03 (금) 04:33 5 Years ago Address
Did you work for Model Line?
주이주잇 2019-05-16 (목) 14:48 5 Years ago Address
I also have experience with diaphoresis, and even if I gain weight, it seems like I gain less in that area, right??
아름다운세상을원해요 2019-05-21 (화) 01:36 5 Years ago Address
I agree. You need to keep taking care of it.
안션 2019-07-10 (수) 05:10 5 Years ago Address
That's right, really.... I did my legs, but other areas that didn't even have fat, such as my abdomen, sides, and back, seemed to gain more weight and ruin my body's own lines. I'm really regretting doing it too - I can't take good care of it for the rest of my life, but if I keep doing this, my body lines will disappear. I feel like I'm going to ruin it..ㅠㅠ The back and sides stick out at the bottom, but they start to get thinner starting from the thighs, so it's really the worst.
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