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Body Shaping job

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Review of Dr. Creamy's Paljilhyup

댕덍이 2021-12-23 (목) 00:10 2 Years ago 1707
150 만원
80 days
I am in my 20s and am not satisfied with my arm surgery in early October..! Those of you who have been to counseling know that the counseling was really good. The director was really friendly, like an uncle, and he didn't pressure me into surgery. But I chose this hospital and the result was...haha 1. The size of both sides is different. Originally, the right side was thicker, but the right side is still much thicker now. There seems to be a difference of 3-4 cm from the left side. Wow. 2. Wrinkles in the floating room. I used to wear a floating room, but I guess it didn't come off properly, so the floating room remains as is. Even the wrinkles have become so bad that I don't want to see them anymore... 3. Scars The scars are also quite visible. I don't know about the elbows and armpits, but the scars on my back are very hard and visible, so my boyfriend makes fun of me and calls them moles. I'm thinking about having a second surgery, and I'm just so sad. It was my first surgery. Everyone, choose your first surgery carefully!! Just because the price is low doesn't mean it's good. Meanwhile, please tell me about a hospital that is good at reoperations, hehe.

Comment 10
아기도기 2021-12-23 (목) 00:49 2 Years ago Address
여기 공장형이라고 해서 망설여지는디 .. 흠
복남 2021-12-23 (목) 04:33 2 Years ago Address
지흡알아보는중인데 솔직한후기 너무 감사해요ㅠㅠ
춧치맘 2021-12-24 (금) 03:49 2 Years ago Address
아 저도 팔 지흡곧하는데..너무 걱정되네요ㅠㅠ
하늘비행기 2021-12-24 (금) 08:23 2 Years ago Address
헉 저 거기 예약햇다가 취소하고 다른병원에서 햇는데 저도 울퉁불퉁해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저도 재수술 알아보는중인데 힘내세요
멜탄굿 2022-01-21 (금) 02:59 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
초코쭈미 2022-01-12 (수) 12:03 2 Years ago Address
걸러야겠네여 ㅠㅠ
배매해삼총사 2022-01-22 (토) 20:22 2 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 맘고생심하시겠어요,,화이팅입니다,,
제이리11 2022-02-22 (화) 19:13 2 Years ago Address
저는 여기 허벅지 재수술했는데 개선해달라고 했던 곳은 개선이 하나도 안되고 ㅠㅠ 지방흡입만 전문으로 해서 믿었는데
성형인생역전 2022-07-01 (금) 23:11 2 Years ago Address
나도 여기서 했는데ㅠㅠ걱정이네
밍밍검듀 2022-07-15 (금) 00:17 2 Years ago Address
정말 최악 병원 바본 유착 변화 일도 없어요
피해자 분들 모아서 병원 가서 다 환불 받고 싶은 그런 심정입니다
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