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Body Shaping job

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Thigh Infinite Rams Week 10 My legs that don't look like my legs

뚜기123 2022-03-09 (수) 21:55 2 Years ago 2270
254 만원
72 days

I had thigh + thigh fat reduction infinite rams at Busan 365mc Hospital, and after about 10 weeks, I can't find any real bruises and I think it's safe to say that the swelling is almost gone now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ After that, I've been dieting steadily and my weight has been decreasing little by little. At first, because of the swelling, when I measured myself on the scale, my weight actually increased, and when I measured my size with a tape measure, there wasn't much difference, so I was worried, but from the 2nd week, it started to gradually decrease, and now I can see the size decrease with my own eyes!!!! It makes me so happy to see my thigh gap getting wider day by day ㅎㅎ Even if you weigh the same, there's something I like so much because your leg line is different ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  In fact, I kept the surgery a secret from my work and family, but as I see the changes, I want to show it off to everyone ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm writing this to brag to the Sungye Sa members who have the same concerns as me. Thank you for reading the long post!! Have a happy day today too ㅎㅎ
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Comment 15
이부 2022-03-09 (수) 23:53 2 Years ago Address
Wow, your leg line is so pretty!!
뚜기123 Writer 2022-03-11 (금) 00:56 2 Years ago Address
[@Leebu] Thank you~~!!!
효콩 2022-03-10 (목) 01:22 2 Years ago Address
뚜기123 Writer 2022-03-11 (금) 00:56 2 Years ago Address
[@효콩] ㅎㅎㅎ 효콩님도 하실 수 있어요!
냐옹너굴 2022-03-10 (목) 22:53 2 Years ago Address
와 진짜 람스로 이렇게 효과본 분들 볼때마다 지흡이랑 람스중에 엄청 고민되네요 ㅠㅠㅠ
너무 예쁘게 빠졌어요!!
뚜기123 Writer 2022-03-11 (금) 00:56 2 Years ago Address
[@냐옹너굴] ㅎㅎ감사합니다!
플랜티 2022-03-12 (토) 01:19 2 Years ago Address
다리라인 진짜 이뻐용!!
뚜기123 Writer 2022-03-16 (수) 22:51 2 Years ago Address
[@플랜티] ㅎㅎ감사합니당!!
귤마싯군 2022-03-13 (일) 02:24 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뚜기123 Writer 2022-03-16 (수) 22:51 2 Years ago Address
[@귤마싯군] 진짜 대박이죵~~??ㅎㅎㅎ
쾌걸여자야 2022-04-30 (토) 17:31 2 Years ago Address
엄청 잘되셨어요! 효과짱이네요!!
메론이되고싶다 2022-05-02 (월) 16:04 2 Years ago Address
부럽습니다!!!! 허벅지 너무 고민이라 람스 고민중인데 ㅠㅠ
쾌걸여자야 2022-05-29 (일) 13:12 2 Years ago Address
와 몇센치 빠지신거에요? 넘 잘되셨어요!!
콩쿠키 2022-11-18 (금) 00:29 1 Years ago Address
붓기 어느정도 생각하면 될까용..
빙슈당 2023-07-14 (금) 22:10 1 Years ago Address
운동이랑 식단도 했엉?
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