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Rams 3rd week review... Insignificant ㅠㅠ

말차도리맛 2023-07-25 (화) 13:20 1 Years ago 6520
First of all, I will write in half words for convenience. As you can see from my writings , I was almost at the level of an admirer of Rams, and most of the articles I was very, very satisfied with.. Well, I'm going to talk about my arm, which has become dead now after 3 weeks. I did, but I thought those articles and reviews were only applicable to people with muscular arms . ㅋㅋ The flesh is also really soft and has almost no bruises (actually, almost no bruises), so this is a real success..! while shouting out ^^...I received the procedure . .. In fact, it's absolutely not that it doesn't work! As you can see from the pictures, the feeling of richness has disappeared a lot, and the lines are honestly well organized. But as much as I expected + it didn't come out as much as the line on the arm that I said it would come out during the consultation. Seeing that all the bruises are gone and the weight has decreased, it doesn't seem to be a major swelling (the degree of lumps and the circumference of the arm, everything is the same!! I'll keep an eye on the progress in two months and if there's anything that changes, I'll write a post.) Only small swelling remains . It seems to be the situation, but the back convex is still there. But now, after digging through Rams reviews, there are far more people like me who have only seen the effect of line-cleaning . If you want a change in your arms, liposuction is the answer . It seems to be a procedure recommended only for those who do it.. I was going to do abdominal surgery, but I was just going to do liposuction at the same hospital, so I did it at 365, but the staff here are kind and the aftercare is really overwhelming at other hospitals. I admit that good management is the best.. But the effect of Rams is insignificant .

Comment 44
뜨쿠 2023-07-25 (화) 18:20 1 Years ago Address
My stomach is 2nd week, but I can't even get a t-shirt ㅠㅠㅠ They say I still need to see more
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-25 (화) 21:27 1 Years ago Address
okay..? I guess I was too impatient. Thank you very much..
disdis 2023-07-25 (화) 19:45 1 Years ago Address
Uh, but I can see the difference before and after,,ㅠ They say that the swelling goes down as time passes, but I think it can be reduced after about 3 months! And if you picked up enough bottles, it would definitely work, but how many bottles did you get in total??
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-25 (화) 21:27 1 Years ago Address
I am 11 batul..! Should I go overboard? I'll try to have hope Yesa-ya thank you so much ㅠㅠ
아펠 2023-07-25 (화) 22:44 1 Years ago Address
When I also had an upset stomach, it started falling out after almost a month! Why don't you wait a little longer and try a little bit of diet and exercise, if not too hard?
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-26 (수) 00:12 1 Years ago Address
Ah, the diet and exercise are steady..! So I guess it made me whine more because I had a sense of compensation.. Thank you for your kind words..!!
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-26 (수) 00:13 1 Years ago Address
hope arises
아펠 2023-07-26 (수) 12:01 1 Years ago Address
That's right, is it right that I fall out even if it's over a month when I'm in the stomach? I did, but when I compared it with the previous picture, I could see that it was definitely falling out, so I think it was falling out.
떡볶이조와 2024-03-23 (토) 18:24 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
아펠 2024-03-26 (화) 14:05 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
떡볶이조와 2024-03-26 (화) 17:45 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
달달도너츠 2023-07-29 (토) 01:26 1 Years ago Address
Yesa decided to do additional follow-up care?ㅠ It's been 2 weeks now, and the area where 1-2 bottles were taken out feels like the line was just cleaned up, and the area where infinite amounts were taken out are causing terrible lumps. I wonder if I should do aftercare later... Honestly, I pay attention to what I eat, but at this rate, I wonder if I would have lost weight even if I hadn't taken Ram's...
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-30 (일) 22:25 1 Years ago Address
Ugh, I paid for 4 rounds of extracorporeal shock wave post-care... I feel like I'm grasping at straws a bit. I also have some knots, so I'm trying to loosen them up...
달달도너츠 2023-08-04 (금) 13:37 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
달달도너츠 2023-08-05 (토) 18:05 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
한국외대여신유밍 2023-07-29 (토) 02:34 1 Years ago Address
I think it will be okay with time!
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-07-30 (일) 22:26 1 Years ago Address
Thank you, goddess-sama.
disdis 2023-09-06 (수) 00:45 1 Years ago Address
Yes, it's been about three months, how are you feeling now..?!
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-09-07 (목) 21:53 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
disdis 2023-09-07 (목) 22:42 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 00:20 1 Years ago Address
The number of bottles is 11, and I only received a refund for the additional after-care payment. I did not receive a refund for the surgery fee.
disdis 2023-09-08 (금) 17:07 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
탈출기원 2024-07-10 (수) 23:32 2 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
애옹냥 2023-09-21 (목) 10:17 11 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
달달도너츠 2023-09-21 (목) 22:53 11 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-11-06 (월) 17:22 10 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
달달도너츠 2023-11-12 (일) 21:58 10 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
말차도리맛 Writer 2023-11-14 (화) 03:03 9 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
wajrb 2024-01-01 (월) 22:00 8 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
냥뇽시워리 2024-02-09 (금) 09:51 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
말차도리맛 Writer 2024-02-09 (금) 12:26 7 Months ago Address
Yes, after about 3 months, I was really satisfied because I had lost a lot of weight! And I was really satisfied, so I did another abdominal treatment after that lol.. Just wait a little bit!!!
떡볶이조와 2024-03-23 (토) 18:25 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
말차도리맛 Writer 2024-04-17 (수) 17:38 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
예빵왹 2024-02-14 (수) 13:52 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
말차도리맛 Writer 2024-04-17 (수) 17:39 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
후키미 2024-04-14 (일) 02:32 5 Months ago Address
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말차도리맛 Writer 2024-04-17 (수) 17:50 4 Months ago Address
마른 체형인 사람들한테 더 효과 좋을 것 같다고 생각한 이유는 람스 자체가 대용량 지방 뽑기엔 힘든 시술인 것 같아서..! 그리고 나도 팔이 막 두꺼웠던건 아니고 저고리살이 늘어진 수준이었어서 람스로 정리가 됐어, 근데 만약 내가 고도비만이었거나 지방량이 많았다면...마음에 안들었을 것 같아..지방량이 완벽하게 빠지는게 아니어가지구...나 아직도 군살 남아있긴 하걸랑ㅠ완벽한 지방제거는 지흡을 하시는 것을..추천드림다
Clll 2024-06-11 (화) 20:34 3 Months ago Address
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Clll 2024-06-11 (화) 20:34 3 Months ago Address
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2024-06-15 (토) 13:23 3 Months ago Address
혹시 지금도 후회스러워? 마른 체형인데(153/41 정도) 팔뚝만 우람해서 스트레스거든.. 체구는 작은데 팔뚝만 29 이래서 람스 고민중인데 효과 크게 보기 힘드려나ㅠㅠ
말차도리맛 Writer 2024-06-21 (금) 11:26 2 Months ago Address
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윤됴 2024-08-14 (수) 16:49 1 Months ago Address
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말차도리맛 Writer 2024-08-19 (월) 20:13 29 Days ago Address
나 최근 글 들어가 보면 1년 지난 현재 후기 적어 둔 거 있어!! 지금 다이어트는 따로 안 하긴 하는데… 그거 감안해도 점점 원상복구 되는 느낌? 그래도 전에 비하면 선녀임..ㅎ
동글이탈출 2024-09-02 (월) 17:54 15 Days ago Address
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