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Body Shaping job

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I came back from the liposuction clinic with a sore throat

언제쯤철들어 2024-11-29 (금) 15:57 13 Days ago 619
230 만원

I came here for liposuction recently. I received consultations from several hospitals but decided on this place because there was no place like this. Originally, I was only thinking of thighs, but after checking this and that, hips and knees were added. Other places said it would be difficult to see effects because I have a muscular body, but the director here said my case would be effective because I have a lot of fat. I believed him and went for it . It hasn't been that long since I had liposuction, but maybe because I bruise easily, it hasn't gone away yet. It doesn't hurt, okay? Even though there's a bruise, you can see that the line is different than before the surgery . I think I know why people tell people to go to a liposuction specialist. I'll leave another review after seeing the bruise go away some.
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Comment 5
앞뒤사 2024-11-29 (금) 16:02 13 Days ago Address
Congratulations, you've fallen for it so much
언제쯤철들어 Writer 2024-11-29 (금) 16:03 13 Days ago Address
Yeah, it looks like you're really into it
요르문 2024-11-29 (금) 16:04 13 Days ago Address
오.. 허엉무가 잘만돼면 효과 장난없네
언제쯤철들어 Writer 2024-11-29 (금) 16:05 13 Days ago Address
ㅇㅇ맞아 그런듯.
꾸룰루 2024-11-30 (토) 18:07 12 Days ago Address
얼마나 된거야~??? 라인이쁘게 잘됫넹
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