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Body Shaping job

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Next to my arms, my thighs are shaking again this week..

fkjuso 2024-11-27 (수) 18:18 15 Days ago 619

I was really nervous until the day of the procedure because I was worried that it wouldn't be effective, but it really shows, so I've already made a reservation for my thighs this week!!! But after making the reservation, I'm a little worried because it seems like it'll overlap with my slit ㅠ I can use a tampon, but I'm worried because it's my thighs.... If there's anyone who's had an experience like this after getting the thighs done, please leave a review ㅠㅠ I just hope my uterus really notices ㅋㅋㅋ
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Comment 9
박휘벌레 2024-11-27 (수) 18:48 15 Days ago Address
Wow.. I think it went well.
fkjuso Writer 2024-11-28 (목) 10:24 14 Days ago Address
It's definitely different when you take pictures
블링삐 2024-11-28 (목) 15:32 14 Days ago Address
I did my thighs, and out of all the parts of my body, my thighs hurt the most ㅠ In particular, the inside of my thighs would always feel tight and hard, so it hurt the most ㅠ But now, I have no wrinkles and the swelling has gone down a lot. Don't worry, you can just wear a tampon when you have your period, and I hope you look pretty. Your arms have also turned out pretty well. I lost a lot of weight too.
fkjuso Writer 2024-12-03 (화) 12:15 9 Days ago Address
앜 그렇구나 !!!! 안그래도 람스 받기 하루 전 날 생리터져서 탐폰 착용하구 했으… 생리통이랑 겹쳐지니 진짜 죽을 것 같더라 흑 ㅠ 그래도 지방 엄청 많이 나왔대서 기대중이야유유
김뚜비77 2024-11-29 (금) 11:53 13 Days ago Address
Wow I'm going to do my arms first and then my stomach tomorrow... I hope it all goes well even though I'm shaking a lot..!
fkjuso Writer 2024-12-03 (화) 11:47 9 Days ago Address
예사 어땟서.. 난 쪽팔릴정도로 징징거림 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Wkddkd짱아 2024-11-30 (토) 02:03 12 Days ago Address
대박 ㅠㅠㅠ 라인 너무 이쁘게 잘 됐다… 혹시 병원정보 공유해 줄 수 있어?
fkjuso Writer 2024-12-03 (화) 11:24 9 Days ago Address
웅~~ 쪽지줄게!!
Kfmi 2024-12-04 (수) 09:00 8 Days ago Address
나도 허벅지 10년전에했는데 진짜 회복 핵고통이었어..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ 혹시 어디병원이야?
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