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Body Shaping job

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Infinite Rams (thighs) + lung ring + love handles 3rd week review

유주쓰 2023-03-27 (월) 14:53 1 Years ago 2302

Following the 5th day review posted on 3/5, I am posting the 3rd week review. *5th day review link: https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=b08after&wr_id=25905 At the moment of the procedure, I wonder when it will end and it hurts so much. As time passed after the procedure, I wondered when the pain, bruising, and swelling would go away, but time is the essence. Week 1: The bruise becomes darker, the area where the solution entered (inside the thigh) becomes lumpy, and pain is felt even when the leg is slightly opened. Oh, I realized that I usually walk fast and spread my legs a lot, and when I got in the car, I couldn't sit with my legs spread, so I turned back and sat down. Also, due to the lung ring procedure, I had to sleep in an upright position and tried to maintain that upright position on a daily basis. After the lung ring surgery, I wasn't allowed to diet for a month, so I ate like usual (I didn't overeat), but my weight gained 2-3 kg due to the solution and swelling. I thought to myself, 'Going for my future self.' *If you apply the bruise cream diligently, you can feel it getting lighter little by little. Leggings are a must when staying at home! Even if it's stuffy, it holds your legs so it's less difficult to walk. Week 2: I can feel my walking slowly returning to my normal walking speed. There is still swelling, but as the bruise softens in the love handle area, the swelling goes down and the line appears revived. The swelling and bruising of my legs are still noticeable. But strangely, when I weighed myself, my weight was the same, but when I was measured at the hospital, the circumference of my thighs and love handles decreased by 0.5 cm. (I didn't go on a diet at all and ate like I did in the first week.) You can visually see that the swelling has gone down in the area where the love handle and lung ring treatment was performed and the body has improved. There is still pain, but it is much better than in the first week. *Drink water often to stay hydrated + go for a walk + apply bruise cream diligently. Week 3: You can walk like before the procedure and can walk quickly! Although there is swelling, it is not the uncomfortable swelling that persists until the second week. I visit the hospital once a week to use InBody and receive follow-up care, and in the 3rd week, I receive progress consultation (current photos are taken and compared to before the procedure). My weight hasn't changed since before the procedure, but my lines are very different... … I felt it when I did the eye body treatment, but as I compared the before and after photos, I was impressed with the counselor at the same time. They say it takes 3-6 months for the swelling to completely go away. It's only the 3rd week now, so I wonder if there can be this much of a difference.. Forgetting the pain.. haha ​​When I compare it, I can clearly see that the horse riding fat has been organized, and more than anything, I feel that the lung ring + love handle is the best choice. (Originally, the left love handle was asymmetrical, so I had to lose more weight, so it was more swollen than the right side.) Personal care is important, but more than anything, I visited the clinic every week and received follow-up care, so it felt like I was receiving systematic care, which was nice. This is week 3, which makes me look forward to the future and make me want to get in shape more when I can exercise and diet.
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Comment 14
신중하게go 2023-03-27 (월) 15:12 1 Years ago Address
Isn’t this the person who posted it on YouTube? Or not ㅠ
유주쓰 Writer 2023-03-27 (월) 15:13 1 Years ago Address
I don’t do YouTube so I think it’s someone else!!
존티토 2023-03-28 (화) 14:42 1 Years ago Address
I came across this post for the first time, and your body is crazy.. your lines look perfect.
유주쓰 Writer 2023-03-28 (화) 19:22 1 Years ago Address
As soon as I see it, the line is starting to come to life ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
구글이 2023-03-28 (화) 14:43 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
유주쓰 Writer 2023-03-28 (화) 19:23 1 Years ago Address
I was skeptical at first, but I feel like I've achieved lines that I couldn't get with just exercise.
고인돌고기 2023-04-02 (일) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
오 성공하셨다
유주쓰 Writer 2023-04-03 (월) 10:31 1 Years ago Address
몸매가 예뻐지고 있어요ㅠㅠ 이제 다이어트도 병행하면서 더 가꿔봐야죵
ㅎ늬 2023-04-06 (목) 14:35 1 Years ago Address
유주쓰 Writer 2023-04-06 (목) 20:14 1 Years ago Address
몸매에 점점 자신감이 생기네요ㅠㅠ 감사해용!
복실누님 2023-04-07 (금) 17:50 1 Years ago Address
허벅지 효과 어떠신것 같나요? 저도 고민중이라서용 ㅠㅠ
유주쓰 Writer 2023-04-10 (월) 09:26 1 Years ago Address
붓기는 최소 3개월~6개월이 되어야 다 빠진다고 해서 아직 붓기가 있는데 확실히 승마는 눈바디로 봐도 줄었어요~  곧 한달차 올려볼게요!
클로이귀욤 2023-06-28 (수) 18:54 1 Years ago Address
라인이 너무 잘 됐네요
뀰쁄 2023-08-23 (수) 09:01 1 Years ago Address
와 이식 용량 얼마나 하신거예용
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