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Body Shaping job

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Came back after getting hip filler (2nd week)

강석휘 2024-06-05 (수) 17:40 23 Days ago 766
예쁨주의쁨의원 신논현본점
299 만원
13 days

I got hip filler and wow. I told you I made a reservation at Shinnonhyeonppeum Clinic. It was a little scary before I went, right? So, I kept looking at the reviews that were coming up, and the director said that it was a body type that should never be filled too much, and that I would be satisfied with the lines if I just filled in the deep part. So I just told the director to take care of it. Haha , but they really didn't fill it in well, did they? The picture is from 1 week, and it's been about 2 weeks now so it looks like everything is settled in. If you have any questions, please ask!

Comment 6
사슴사스미 2024-06-05 (수) 17:50 23 Days ago Address
Wow... the effect is great.. Do you use anesthesia or something like that when doing filler treatment? Doesn’t it hurt?
강석휘 Writer 2024-06-13 (목) 20:48 15 Days ago Address
Local anesthesia~
강석휘 Writer 2024-06-13 (목) 20:48 15 Days ago Address
Local anesthesia~
소금소금빛 2024-06-10 (월) 22:21 18 Days ago Address
오..확실히 라인이 더 예뻐보여, 힙딥필러는 보통 유지가 몇년동안 되는거야?
강석휘 Writer 2024-06-13 (목) 20:49 15 Days ago Address
기본1년? 중간에 리터치 해주래 오래간다고
Bibibibing… 2024-06-13 (목) 00:11 16 Days ago Address
힙딥도 cc 기준인가??? 나두얼만큼 유지되는지 궁금하다!!
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