<코재수술 전 입니다><코재수술 후 입니다>I had nose surgery a long time ago. She didn't know much and thought it was easy, but
she thought her nose was disappointing and the shape
wasn't pretty. Her nose felt low and the tip of her nose wasn't good enough.
So, I have been going to consultations for rhinoplasty for several years.
Still, she could not easily decide to have reoperation, but
after consulting with a specialist in rhinoplasty whom she had been introduced to,
she felt that she had a deep understanding of the nose and gained confidence, so
she decided to have rhinoplasty.
I went to many places for consultations, but
I felt like he knew my nose the best.
I feel like I know a lot about my nose and surrounding mouth.
I am very satisfied with the revision rhinoplasty.
My face looks much better and
everything from the bridge of my nose to the tip of my nose seems to be better than before the revision surgery.
My mouth doesn't look protruding and
the area around my mouth looks fine, which is amazing.
During the consultation, they not only explained the nose, but also
everything about the mouth in the middle and lower face.
I think that's why I have
a natural, sharp nose that
goes well with the rest of the face
. I am very satisfied and people around me say the surgery went really well and
ask where I had it done.
It's been two weeks, and I think I spent money well on revision rhinoplasty.
I've realized that my nose is very important!