<수술전><수술후><수술전><수술후>I'm back for the third month with no disruption to my daily life! Haha, as a result, it is holding the position very well, and the swelling has gone down, so the
tip of my nose is thinner and looks like it has the neat line I wanted. I was worried because it was a reoperation and thought what would happen if it fails like the first surgery, but for
now, I am very satisfied. The line seems to have gone well with the line I wanted..
Maybe because I did the eyelid surgery at the same time, the side line also became thinner, so I can finally take pictures.
If I had known it would come out as well as I expected, I would have done the surgery right away.. I would say it was a 100% success. It's still early, but I really like it in its current state.