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Nose job

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[Hawk Nose]

[Meburi] Oriental rhinoplasty

해리슨조 2023-04-29 (토) 16:30 1 Years ago 1583
미림한방병원 (구 동백미즈한의원)
14 days
Originally, it was 5 times, but there was no improvement, so I received a few more retouches. There was a temporary improvement, but it feels like it's back in place as the thread melts and the swelling goes down (1-2 weeks). I received the procedure over almost a year, but there was no complete improvement. There were no side effects, but I did have scars. The cost of the procedure was more than reoperation..... I am looking into surgery. I think there are some people who say it works, but I think there are many cases similar to mine. For those who are afraid of surgery and are thinking about surgery, the surgery will be sure and fast. I chose the procedure because I thought I couldn't do my daily life because of swelling or bruising for a month after the surgery. The surgery also took 1 week to 2 weeks at the longest, and the swelling and bruising went away, and I was able to live my daily life. In that respect, this procedure may require n times depending on the condition of the individual nose, but once you receive it, there is swelling and bruising for a week. I think it is impossible to live a daily life for a longer period of time than surgery even if you only receive it twice.

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Comment 3
모모나키 2023-05-04 (목) 23:24 1 Years ago Address
경남꼬맹 2023-05-19 (금) 09:34 1 Years ago Address
Elisabeth1… 2023-09-10 (일) 19:40 1 Years ago Address
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