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Nose job

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[Low Nose]

I had surgery because they said I was good at reconstruction, but it failed.

꽃길만 2023-04-14 (금) 19:51 1 Years ago 8328
1200 만원
485 days

오늘에서야 온 답변

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오늘에서야 온 답변

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오늘에서야 온 답변

<오늘에서야 온 답변>

Before undergoing surgery at an esthetician, I was recommended to an esthetician who is good at reconstructing nose after a failed nose surgery at a large hospital. During my first consultation, I tried to have only the nostrils created and have the surgery done at a hospital famous for its aesthetics, but it was said that esthetics would not be able to create just the nostrils, so I decided to have the entire surgery. He said that the surgery may need to be supplemented several times and that I only need to pay 500,000 won for anesthesia each time. I had surgery by Dr. Dong-hak Jeong on December 29, 2021, and nostrils were created, but the cosmetic appearance did not have a normal nose. I spent 6 months in pain, not being able to meet people and being told that I couldn't live like a human being and that I was ugly. In June 2022, I underwent surgery at the aesthetic clinic, but my nose still did not look normal in appearance. So, this April, 10 months later, I had it again. They said they would do the surgery, but they asked me to pay 3 million won. So I asked for a discount and they said they would give it up to 150. If you do general anesthesia, it's 150. If you do it with sedative anesthesia, it's 50.00 won (when you do it with silicone). In modern times, it's only 500,000 won for each revision surgery in the beginning. I think it's wrong to say that you can pay it, but then change your words. And when I told the manager that I came here to have a successful surgery, shouldn't my nose be normal for others to see, I raised my voice and asked what the standard was, and I couldn't understand it. No, the director emphasizes that it is better than before, and I am not just trying to get a little better than before, but I am getting surgery to have a successful, normal nose, but he only emphasizes that my case is difficult. I was recommended this hospital, but I did not believe the recommendation. I had faith in the before-and-after photos on the hospital's website that a patient with a more serious condition than me had a normal nose surgery, but I had to go to an esthetician twice, but for the sake of aesthetics, I still have to cover my face. I wanted to talk to the hospital, so I called the hospital, but they didn't connect me to the manager. I asked them to contact me, but the manager didn't contact me. I couldn't trust the esthetician anymore, so I asked for at least half a refund through the hospital's consultation KakaoTalk, but there was no answer, and even if I called, they didn't answer. The first surgery at the esthetician was good because my nostrils were opened, so I wrote a thank you review, but the swelling went down and the results came out well. As expected, I'm not in a hurry to write a review right after the surgery.
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블랙지수 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 차단하기 2023-04-14 (금) 21:21 1 Years ago
와 진짜 쓰렉........ 힘내 예사야ㅠㅠ
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