<수술후 한달 ><수술 후 한달><수술 후 한달><수술 전><수술전 ><수술전>Swelling:
The major swelling has gone down, but some minor swelling remains. It feels like all the minor swelling is concentrated at the tip of the nose. The tip of my nose has become blunt.
When I asked, they said that the tip of the nose can become blunt due to scarring during the recovery process after nose surgery, and especially for people with a lot of flesh at the tip of the nose.. I just hope it goes down quickly. I like
my side profile
. Daily life:
All activities, exercise are possible (light exercise is recommended because of the mask).
Some pain between the eyes,
Still feeling of pulling around the philtrum, especially when laughing loudly or yawning.
Hard feeling at the tip of my nose. Still feeling a tingling sensation when touched.
Nasal foreign body management:
I don't have a lot of boogers, so I don't have any breathing difficulties, so I usually wipe foreign bodies inside my nose with a cotton swab once every 2-3 days, and if there are any scabs, I clean them with hydrogen peroxide and then saline solution again. Maybe because I had rhinitis surgery at the same time, my breathing is easier than before the nose surgery.