This is the 7th year of self-dermis rhinoplasty. The result will be different depending on the base nose, but it was a very low bridge of the nose, a bit of a nose with a short nose, a nose with a nose ridge turned off. The bridge of the nose, the bridge of the nose, and the tip of the nose were all operated with my dermis, but now the bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose are concave. I have spent 7 years looking at the face that changes every day, and the symptoms of dents on the bridge of the nose started last year (from the 3rd to 4th years on the bridge of the nose), the dents look relatively black. Because it doesnt get any light. Yesterday, a person from the company said that. Do you have bruises on your nose? Im too afraid to take off the mask these days. After dermal surgery, it was difficult to remove the dermis, and there was no reoperation case. To be honest, life has no meaning, I cant meet people, and when I talk with my mask off, it seems like everyone is looking at my nose, and for the first time I thought that I wanted to die. If I went back, I would never have done it with my own dermis. Because of the scar on the back of the buttock, I am concerned not only in the bathroom, but also in the buttock injection. I couldnt live comfortably. Everyone has different results, but I really dont recommend it...