<하기전><후>Its been 3 weeks since I had to go to a hospital specializing in reoperation. I thought it would be more professional, and if I searched for reviews, there were many reviews that came out naturally according to the style I wanted. I just fell in love with it, so I didnt make an appointment for a consultation elsewhere, got a consultation here, and had surgery right away. During the first consultation, I couldnt imagine how high my nose would be, so I asked for the tip of the nose to be raised slightly so that it didnt feel like a bulge, but they stopped. I did that to say I regretted it, but I regretted it all. But I can make it any shape I want. He discouraged me saying, I have enough time to think about it before coming, and as a result of thinking about it a lot until the next operation... I decided to follow the opinion of the director. I really like the current shape and height, and Im thinking of raising it a bit more. Im greedy. But I dont want to touch you anymore. Its been 3 weeks, so please dont go lower, its become more natural. Oh my gosh, I feel better after writing, but the fat transplantation, the aristocrats also got it.