First of all, I had a short, upturned nose, so I had reoperation with donated costal cartilage
. I was worried because there were a lot of bad stories about donated costal cartilage, but
I heard that the short upturned nose is good for maintaining the shape of solid costal cartilage.
If you touch the tip of your nose, it feels hard.
My nose bridge was low and I had a full nose with many nostrils visible, but
now that the tip of my nose was missing and my nostrils have come down a lot, my image has changed and I am satisfied.
I don't think there will be any side effects if I use donated costal cartilage.
The side effect is that there is a lot of autologous cartilage, but that does not mean that I recommend it as a good donor rib.
It is not a bad idea to use it when necessary.