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Nose job

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Cowon nose surgery day 1 review

켄타비우스 2021-11-03 (수) 15:53 3 Years ago 3043

수술 전

<수술 전>

This is a review of the first day of nose surgery at Cowon Plastic Surgery. I arrived at 9:30 in the morning, took pre-surgery photos, consulted with the director, waited, and then went up to the operating table. I don't know if I fell asleep on my own or they didn't tell me I would be under anesthesia, but when I woke up, it was 2:00. I slept some more, came out at 3, took a taxi, and went home. As others have said, there was almost no pain, but the hardest part was not being able to sleep for even an hour because I had to breathe through my mouth. In my case, the surgery was performed by custom-making 3D silicone to fit my bone based on CT photos. He said 5mm of silicone was put in, and septal cartilage and ear cartilage were put in the tip of the nose. Although it is hard to see because of the splint, the bridge of the nose is clearly raised compared to before the surgery. It feels good to touch the bridge of my nose for the first time...haha I'll have to wait until the splint and taping are removed and the swelling goes down to know if it was a success, but so far I'm satisfied! I think I made a good choice with Cowon.

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Comment 12
뿌뿌빠빠롱이 2021-11-03 (수) 18:05 3 Years ago Address
헬로우야 2021-11-04 (목) 01:53 3 Years ago Address
거북천사 2021-11-04 (목) 09:01 3 Years ago Address
민자나라 2021-11-04 (목) 15:35 3 Years ago Address
춥네요 2021-11-04 (목) 16:22 3 Years ago Address
소라예준 2021-11-04 (목) 17:05 3 Years ago Address
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
혜횽 2021-11-04 (목) 21:30 3 Years ago Address
켄타비우스 Writer 2021-11-05 (금) 18:51 3 Years ago Address
살려줜 2021-11-05 (금) 22:33 3 Years ago Address
조용한사람 2021-11-08 (월) 03:51 3 Years ago Address
명월 2021-11-08 (월) 19:11 3 Years ago Address
꿍이꿍 2021-11-10 (수) 13:06 3 Years ago Address
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