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Nose job

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Abdominal nose surgery failed

태림 2021-09-26 (일) 02:10 3 Years ago 2566
검색하니까 의사안뜸
큐성형외과 (센텀점)
330 만원
1400 days
I searched the website and found that the old representative director who was there originally was gone. I remember that each representative director originally had about four teachers,, I will tell you about the review of Hiton Bokko. I heard from acquaintances that this representative director said that Q is the best nose in Busan. After the consultation, on the day of the surgery, the director told me that there was a new teacher who came in and that this person was better with a trendy nose and that the two of us would do the surgery together. I was 20 years old at the time and it was my first surgery in my life, so I didn't know anything, so I see. I'll do it. ㅇㅈㄹI did it. From there, I started using Mangtech. It's already a short nose, so the doctor's skills are important, but I had nose surgery for 8 hours and it didn't improve my nose at all. ^^ In fact, the tip of my nose was completely saggy, so my nose looked even worse. I asked for it to be done naturally, but as soon as I took the splint off, I did it. The disappointment at that time is still vivid. I think it was used as practice by the new teacher. Now, the two people who touched my nose back then are no longer at the hospital. Ugh, I'm currently looking into reoperation, but it will cost more than twice as much as before. .

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Comment 6
진깡깡 2021-09-29 (수) 02:00 3 Years ago Address
앵그리수빙수 2021-09-30 (목) 17:22 3 Years ago Address
뮴바 2021-10-07 (목) 14:54 3 Years ago Address
오그링 2021-12-23 (목) 18:57 2 Years ago Address
코코쟁이 2023-03-06 (월) 13:49 1 Years ago Address
오네가이시마스 2024-08-02 (금) 13:14 3 Months ago Address
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