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Nose job

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Can I sniffle on the 16th day of rhinoplasty?;.;.;

옴마 2021-03-02 (화) 21:29 3 Years ago 2178
I went to the doctor today, and when I heard that I was having trouble breathing, he looked inside my nose and found that there was nothing stuck or crooked, and everything was fine. He said it was due to swelling so I didn't have to worry. So I was able to relax for a while, but I'm definitely not allowed to blow my nose, right? But is it okay to sniffle? Not harshly, slightly? If you sniffle slightly, it becomes slightly easier to breathe through your nose;;

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Comment 7
쀼빠 2021-03-03 (수) 00:01 3 Years ago Address
고란 2021-03-03 (수) 01:04 3 Years ago Address
재수시로유 2021-03-04 (목) 03:58 3 Years ago Address
사막이 2021-03-04 (목) 23:18 3 Years ago Address
켈류 2021-03-05 (금) 14:31 3 Years ago Address
송다롱 2021-03-05 (금) 18:21 3 Years ago Address
김먕먕먕 2021-03-08 (월) 11:11 3 Years ago Address
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