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Nose job

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Low nose, nostril reduction review (two months)

kdhsjhgd 2020-11-30 (월) 15:38 4 Years ago 3082

This is a review 2 months after surgery. For up to a month, I had a feeling that my nose would turn when I lay on my side for a long time, but after about 2 months, that feeling lessened. My nose is still hard, but I don't feel any major discomfort, perhaps because I thought it was hard to begin with. They told me to be careful for up to 3 months, so even if I have to touch my nose, I do so carefully. In the beginning after the surgery, I was worried because the bridge of my nose was too high and I felt like a man, but now the swelling at the bridge of my nose has gone down and I'm really happy with it. I really like the height and shape now, so I want to keep it in the same condition. ㅠㅠ * Pre-surgery photos are in the 1-month review!

※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 5
타로밀크티 2020-11-30 (월) 16:16 4 Years ago Address
kdhsjhgd Writer 2020-12-17 (목) 11:20 3 Years ago Address
si발 2020-12-07 (월) 00:31 3 Years ago Address
최구름 2020-12-13 (일) 20:13 3 Years ago Address
양초 2020-12-18 (금) 05:00 3 Years ago Address
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