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Nose job

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Baijun Plastic Surgery (Reoperation) Saddle Nose Contraction 42nd Day Second Review

비숑조아 2020-11-04 (수) 12:23 4 Years ago 14771

hello. On September 22nd, I had rhinoplasty surgery and as time went by, the long-awaited splint was removed. . I am satisfied with my natural appearance day by day . Although the swelling has not completely gone down yet. . I am happy that my extreme nose has become a human-like nose. Your nose is straight and high. I feel confident. Before the surgery, there were many famous places in Gangnam. . Every time I received a consultation, the doctors said they couldn't do my nose because it was so extreme and they didn't want to have surgery. It was successful at Byjun. I am so grateful to Director Kim Jun-seong for healing my heartache and creating a three-dimensional nose . Many people were curious to see what it looked like with the nose splint removed. . Front and side elevation before and after surgery. This is my pre-surgery photo and a photo I took yesterday after seeing the progress. I am posting my second review to help those who have been hurt by their nose like me . Speaking of reality. . . There are too many plastic surgery clinics in Gangnam. If you have a medical license, you can open a plastic surgery clinic. As a result, many incompetent doctors fail. Doctors say that because of this, a lot of reoperations are done. There are hundreds of plastic surgery clinics in Gangnam, but only a few skilled doctors. So, to succeed, you need to see a skilled doctor like me rather than the cost . Even a person with an extreme nose like me can have a great nose.

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Comment 12
소재고갈 2020-11-04 (수) 13:45 4 Years ago Address
말랑말랑e 2020-11-04 (수) 17:03 4 Years ago Address
맹먕잉 2020-11-04 (수) 21:20 4 Years ago Address
춥네요 2020-11-05 (목) 22:09 4 Years ago Address
럽초코 2020-11-05 (목) 22:47 4 Years ago Address
내코는어디에 2020-11-06 (금) 16:10 4 Years ago Address
아그네스다 2020-11-06 (금) 16:42 4 Years ago Address
남도빈 2020-11-06 (금) 17:09 4 Years ago Address
고민이많아 2020-11-09 (월) 14:11 4 Years ago Address
쀼꾸쀼꾸 2020-11-21 (토) 08:07 4 Years ago Address
수순링 2020-12-18 (금) 15:34 3 Years ago Address
jh7895 2023-12-18 (월) 16:09 11 Months ago Address
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