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Nose job

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In Daegu, the bridge of the nose was augmented with breast cartilage... [Picture down]

성형비추 2012-07-04 (수) 08:39 12 Years ago 5154
[Two photos above - before surgery, below - after surgery] My smooth nose actually became a curved nose ㅡㅡ I posted a long post, but it was deleted, so I'm just posting the photos again. I was shocked when I heard that there were no side effects because there were no implants, but then this result... It's really life-changing. I don't like it. I've had the surgery again, but when I went around the hospital saying I had the surgery again, all the doctors said it was strange that I used breast cartilage from the beginning even though it wasn't my nose. I almost sent them back to the hospital where I had it removed and told them to remove it. But the hospital where I had it would never remove it and just told me to wait. Sigh, I wanted to die because I wondered if I had to live like this. Then, in the end, there were a few hospitals that offered to perform reoperation, so I chose one of them and am now at another hospital, where the breast cartilage was removed from the bridge of my nose and the surgery was done again with silicone. The doctor who performed the reoperation also found that my alar cartilage was severely damaged. I feel like I'm completely screwed. It was my big mistake to be ignorant about plastic surgery. I hope you all choose your hospital carefully so you don't end up like me.

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Comment 22
perpect 2012-07-04 (수) 08:58 12 Years ago Address
perpect 2012-07-04 (수) 09:01 12 Years ago Address
성형비추 Writer 2012-07-04 (수) 10:58 12 Years ago Address
코리맘 2018-08-22 (수) 10:44 6 Years ago Address
휴Ggggf 2012-07-04 (수) 18:33 12 Years ago Address
찰벅녀 2012-07-05 (목) 14:56 12 Years ago Address
망했어엉엉 2015-07-23 (목) 09:15 9 Years ago Address
원숭이코 2015-08-04 (화) 06:47 9 Years ago Address
망했어엉엉 2015-08-06 (목) 03:40 9 Years ago Address
원숭이코 2015-08-06 (목) 04:23 9 Years ago Address
이수현러브 2016-10-25 (화) 20:16 8 Years ago Address
원숭이코 2015-08-06 (목) 04:31 9 Years ago Address
에비코비 2016-09-21 (수) 17:49 8 Years ago Address
qkqk123 2016-12-27 (화) 00:23 7 Years ago Address
이수현러브 2016-12-27 (화) 08:15 7 Years ago Address
qkqk123 2016-12-27 (화) 11:13 7 Years ago Address
이수현러브 2016-12-27 (화) 23:19 7 Years ago Address
아리vv 2017-01-03 (화) 02:31 7 Years ago Address
qkqk123 2017-01-04 (수) 11:23 7 Years ago Address
아리vv 2017-01-05 (목) 01:46 7 Years ago Address
딸기에모몽 2018-05-27 (일) 19:53 6 Years ago Address
잏런 2019-10-08 (화) 03:32 5 Years ago Address
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