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Nose job

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I'm feeling suicidal after the surgery.

송혜교얼굴전지현몸매 2005-03-15 (화) 19:24 19 Years ago 4368
It's been a little over a month since the surgery. Originally, my nose was small and pretty, but out of greed to raise the tip a little more, I got an untested one,,,I didn't have money, so I got it done at a cheap place, and now my nose has become bulbous, snub-nosed, and a pig's nose. The tip of the nose is twice as big as the original nose. Even though I went to counseling, they said it was too much to do it 6 months ago. I lost confidence in my appearance and started binge eating due to depression, and my weight gained about 10 kg. One month after surgery ;; In the past, I was confident that I would look prettier if I lost weight, so I dieted hard, but now I hate everything and honestly, I even thought about dying. I'm a complete wreck, a wreck... Even now, I've downed 3 chocolates, several bags of ice cream, and 1.5 liters of cola in one Pringles box. I just want to ruin myself by eating too much... I care so much that my tongue is tingling and my lymph nodes are in pain every time I open my mouth. To be honest, before the surgery, I looked pretty, but now... when I look in the mirror, I see a monster standing there. In this case... I really feel like I want to die, so it would be better to have a second surgery, right? If I were to have a second surgery, I would have to take out a loan because I don't have the money... but I can't live in this condition. I cry a lot... I can't go out in front of others, and even when I go out, I'm afraid that someone might recognize me... or that I might meet someone I know, so I often don't go out for even an hour a day. Is there anyone who has had a repeat surgery after a month? Please tell me which hospital would be best. Or even just a word of support ㅠㅠ Everyone, please save me ㅠㅠ

※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 24
제가 원래대로만 2005-03-15 (화) 19:42 19 Years ago Address
인어아가씨 2005-03-15 (화) 19:56 19 Years ago Address
나라니까 2005-03-15 (화) 20:15 19 Years ago Address
냐하하하 2005-03-15 (화) 20:16 19 Years ago Address
아자아자 2005-03-15 (화) 20:19 19 Years ago Address
로즈 2005-03-15 (화) 20:30 19 Years ago Address
ㅠ.ㅠ저도 우울증에 매일매일 자살충동느껴요..요즘에 계속 자살방법에 대해서 알아보고 계획이랍시고 끄적거리고.. 정말 미치겠어요.매부리절골했는데 예전의 높던 콧대는 다 사라져버리고 콧대가 없어지니까 멍하게 보이는것 같기도 하고..시간을 다시 되돌리고 싶어요 정말..님처럼 저도 화장 좀 하면 이쁜 얼굴이었거든요. 차라리 절골이니 나발이니 그런거 하지 말고 코끝만 할걸 후회막급입니다.오늘도 어찌나 울었던지.. 우리 힘내요..분명 길이 있을거예요.. 그리고 성형을 생각하는 여기 모든 님들! 여기 다들 좋으신 분들도 많지만 분명히 브로커들도 있을겁니다~ 인터넷 소문 믿지 마세요. 직접 상담 많이 많이 다녀보고 필히 사진을 보여달라고 하세요. 사진 많이 없는 병원은 아무래도 찜찜한 것 같아요.그리고 급하게 하지 마세요. 수술하고 나니까 미처못했던 생각들이 뒤늦게 들더라구요.. 아무튼 님! 힘내세요. 저도 그럴게요.같이 노력해요..
둥글레차 2005-03-15 (화) 21:05 19 Years ago Address
만드는미인 2005-03-15 (화) 21:06 19 Years ago Address
완전성공!!! 2005-03-15 (화) 21:25 19 Years ago Address
완전성공!!! 2005-03-15 (화) 21:27 19 Years ago Address
모야모야 2005-03-15 (화) 21:44 19 Years ago Address
코하고파ㅠ 2005-03-16 (수) 00:59 19 Years ago Address
파랭이 2005-03-16 (수) 01:02 19 Years ago Address
딸기공주님~ 2005-03-16 (수) 09:28 19 Years ago Address
힘내세요!!! 힘든만큼 배우신것도 많을테고... 재수술 잘하시고~
인간적으로 많이 성숙하셨을테니깐 걱정마시구요!!님 화이팅이요!!!
♡irin♡ 2005-03-16 (수) 19:19 19 Years ago Address
romance 2005-03-16 (수) 19:28 19 Years ago Address
송혜교얼굴전지현몸매 Writer 2005-03-16 (수) 19:55 19 Years ago Address
코아파 2005-03-16 (수) 20:51 19 Years ago Address
로즈 2005-03-16 (수) 22:14 19 Years ago Address
또 쓰네욤.. 우울한 생각들때마다 여기 유머게시판보면 괜찮겠다 싶어서 알려드릴라구요.. 웃긴거 많더라구요.. 자꾸 웃다보면 좋은 생각만 들겠죠? 힘내세요
하림너겟 2005-03-17 (목) 00:53 19 Years ago Address
도도한그년 2005-03-17 (목) 01:17 19 Years ago Address
튀고싶다 2005-03-17 (목) 21:44 19 Years ago Address
게으름쟁이 2005-03-18 (금) 16:28 19 Years ago Address
대박 비비안 2005-04-17 (일) 18:01 19 Years ago Address
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