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Nose job

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It's been a week.. I want to die because of the height between my eyebrows..ㅠ

suecci 2012-07-01 (일) 01:09 12 Years ago 8315
When I booked the surgery, and when I lay down on the operating table, I was so happy that I didn't shiver and just thought about how much better I would look after the surgery. But after the surgery, they put me on a splint. I guess it was covered by the splint and I couldn't see it until then, because of the splint. I endured it thinking it would look like this... But my nose got so stuffy that I had to go to the hospital 4 times, excluding one day... They said they would remove the snot and scabs inside... Then, today, the splint was taken off and I didn't know why I wanted to cry so much.. Is it too high, or is it because it's really swollen like the doctor said... Even though I told him to make it natural and not to look like Jang Keun-suk, the eyebrows are too high... It's just a straight line from the forehead to the tip of the nose. The doctor actually told me not to talk about the shape, even though the swelling hasn't gone down yet... In fact, the nose lump was also used on the nasal septum and ear cartilage, but it was blunt... Since the columella was too short anyway, I didn't expect much from this... But the nose line. The whole thing...ㅠㅠ makes me cry... The nurses say I'm less swollen than other people, but the doctor says my forehead is more swollen than other people... If the swelling really goes down, will my eyebrows go down? ? My eyes are also flocking to Gumiho, Avatar, and Jang Keun Suk... Of course, I know there is swelling because it's only been a week, but I don't think the shape of the nose itself will change or the height between the eyebrows will drop just because the swelling goes down... I feel anxious every day. I'm just reading the text at night... ㅠㅠㅠ I did it because I had no money... I can't tell my family that I don't like them, I can't cry... I want to rip them all off ... ?...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please help..

※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 7
ehfhtl 2012-07-01 (일) 01:46 12 Years ago Address
If it's been a week... it'll be the time when the tip of your nose will lift more and look strange... The bridge of your nose and the area between your eyebrows will also be swollen... But if it's that high, it probably won't come down much from that height... It's a shame...
ehfhtl 2012-07-01 (일) 01:48 12 Years ago Address
However, you can discuss with your doctor about replacing the silicone within a month, so don't worry too much and just wait and see.
ghkdrmaroa 2012-07-01 (일) 02:00 12 Years ago Address
Even though the swelling went down after three months, there didn't seem to be much change in the shape. Only the tip of the nose came down a little. How about early correction?
suecci Writer 2012-07-01 (일) 10:23 12 Years ago Address
ehfhtl / 답변 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ 버선코 모양으로 수술했는데.. 제가 이마가 좀 납작해서 그런지 이래저래 선이 좀 어색해서.. 스트레스가 이만저만이 아니네요.. 조언 감사합니다! ㅠㅠ

ghkdrmaroa / 코끝..ㅠㅠ 지금 코주부같은데 이건 당연한건가요..ㅎ 코끝이라도 좀 얄쌍해졌으면 좋겠네요.. 이건 뭐..-_ㅠ... 답변 감사합니다!
원래이쁨 2012-07-01 (일) 10:35 12 Years ago Address
미간 붓기 빠져요. 전 두달조금 안됐는데. 저도 첨에 미간이 두껍고 높아서 망한건가 스트레스 엄청 받았는뎀. 지금 많이 빠졌어요. 앞으로 더 빠질거라고하네요. 조금 더 빠지면 보기좋을것같아요. 걱정마시고 좀 기다려보세요.
saes 2012-07-02 (월) 21:03 12 Years ago Address
미간이랑 코끝이 원래 제일 늦게빠져요
일주일째면 아직 미간이 높고 부자연스러울 시기 맞아요
전 한달 지나서야 자연스러워지던데요ㅡㅡ
일주일째는 저도 우람한 숫사자 같은 미간이었습니다ㅡㅡ
suecci Writer 2012-07-05 (목) 00:11 12 Years ago Address
원래이쁨 / 네네! 덕분에 맘 편하게 즐기고 있어요.. 수술 후에 갑자기 바뀐 모습 때문에 어색해서 주위분들을 좀 힘들게 했네요..ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!
saes / ..죄송해요.. 답변보고 그만 너무 웃겨서 퐝 터졌네요! ㅎㅎ 우람한 숫사자..ㅎㅎㅎ 감사합니다! 걱정없이 즐기고 있어요~~
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