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Nose job

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For those of you who have seen the effects of breast injections, please take a look.

잘할거야 2011-06-15 (수) 20:53 13 Years ago 9242
At the end of August last year, I had the tip of my nose tied and my ear cartilage removed, and it was removed in two weeks. It's now been 10 months since the removal. The shape of my nose was all distorted and irritated due to the scarring, but the bridge of my nose where the surgery was done is still enlarged and lumpy due to the scarring. I'm thinking about getting a scarring injection... I got one in February. At the hospital where I had the surgery... I was told that it was good because the doctor knew the surgical area, so I went and got it... but the doctor didn't seem to remember me at all. It seemed like they gave the injection knowing that it would happen... I think it took 5 seconds to do it, once on each side, after touching the bridge of the nose... More importantly, there was no effect at all. ㅠㅠ It is said that injections into the breast area also require skill, such as controlling the concentration and the area to be applied. If the doctor doesn't even remember my surgery, I wonder why I should get it here when it didn't work last time. For those of you who have seen the effects of breast injections, please tell us about the hospital, how you got it, and the price!

※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 5
헹힝흥헹 2011-06-15 (수) 23:58 13 Years ago Address
lololeo 2011-06-17 (금) 11:53 13 Years ago Address
전 2달보름됐는데요 아직 헬게이트에요
아침에는 부엇다가 저녁에는 줄었다가
같이 일하는사람이 그새 코수술하고왔냐고할정도로
하루에 변화가 장난이아니예요
아직 코끝딱딱하고 코등은 전혀 문제없는데 코끝이 부엇다가
괜찮아졌다가 난리도아니네요 ㅠㅠ
점점 시간이갈수록 부어있는시간이 줄어드는것같은데 흉살때문에
잘할거야 Writer 2011-06-17 (금) 19:29 13 Years ago Address
잘할거야 Writer 2011-06-17 (금) 19:30 13 Years ago Address
헹힝흥헹 2011-06-24 (금) 22:44 13 Years ago Address
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