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[Tip of Nose]

Review of cartilage binding (8th day)

스마일꼬부기 2024-11-29 (금) 23:51 3 Days ago 1208




This time, I had a "only" nose tip cartilage ligation surgery (no support, no cartilage), and since there aren't many reviews of only cartilage ligation, I'm writing a review. I hope it can be helpful to other people who are looking for information on cartilage ligation! - First, before leaving a full review, let me leave a short personal thought about this surgery..! While looking into cartilage ligation surgery this time, I saw that there were quite a few pros and cons about this surgery. After looking into various information , I thought that this surgery would be somewhat effective for my nose, but some hospitals said that cartilage ligation alone was not effective at all and did not perform the surgery at all, and some hospitals that only perform cartilage ligation even said that it was a commercial technique. Some said that it was not effective at all, and some said that it would make your nose crooked (overcorrection), so it was really confusing for me as a person looking for information. So, what I felt while looking into cartilage ligation this time is that there is no such thing as a 100% good or bad surgery. I think that each person should choose the surgery that is right for them based on their natural face ! - Find out as much information as possible about the surgery itself (surgical method) - Understand well what shape my nose is originally like - Find out what the differences are between hospitals while shopping! Especially in the case of cartilage ligation, the surgical method itself cannot provide dramatic effects (because it does not increase the height) and the conditions for the nose to be effective are limited, so I think there were many stories about it being ineffective. After looking through almost all the reviews posted on Seongyeosa and Naver cafes (ㄱㅇㅅ, ㅇㅇㅇ, ㅅㅇㅋ cafe, etc.), I decided to get the surgery because I thought the surgery would be effective for me to some extent and had almost no side effects ! This was a long post, lol . Now, I'll start the real review. - 1. Before and after difference I put the before and after photos at the very top, and this is the photo from day 8 after surgery! There's still some swelling, so I'll have to wait and see, but so far, it seems to be similar to what I expected. ㅎㅎ If my nose was originally a 20-point nose, now it feels like it's a 40-point nose..? ^^;;;;;; I just wanted to correct my complex with cartilage tying, so I'm satisfied with the results of this one surgery~! When I look in the mirror, I wonder if there's much of a change? But when I look at old pictures, it was really effective ㅎㅎ.. Nose tip - somewhat gathered, wing bone formed Nose bridge - height didn't change, but the columella went up Columella - unexpectedly changed a lot! Columella went up I was surprised that the columella went up more than I thought I would I think people with short columellas should think about it I have a nose with a lot of columella so the effect was good. 2. Choosing a hospital I chose a hospital based on these 3 criteria: surgical method / surgical experience / aftercare ! In particular, I'll share what I studied about the surgical method.. I studied mostly based on information on the Internet, so please let me know if there's anything wrong!! 1) Cartilage tying method After looking into it, I found that each hospital pursues a slightly different surgical method. There are two wing cartilages on the left and right at the tip of the nose. There are hospitals that tie the two together after tying each wing cartilage together, and there are hospitals that just tie the two together without tying them together. (If you're curious about the surgical method, you can find it if you search for plastic surgery videos related to cartilage tying on YouTube. It seems that you can only find out how the surgery is done at each hospital if you go for a consultation.) I chose a hospital that tied them together because I thought my nose tip was spread out a lot ! 2) Removal of nose tip fat There was a hospital that removed the fat from the nose tip while doing cartilage tying . There were also some different opinions about fat removal. When fat is removed, the tip of the nose becomes thinner vs. a scar forms in the empty space after the fat is removed, making the nose bigger later. When I looked it up, I found that there isn't much fat layer that can be removed from the tip of the nose to begin with, and the fact that a scar will inevitably form in the empty space even if fat is removed was more convincing. So I chose a hospital that didn't remove fat. 3. Thoughts on cartilage tying surgery This is just my personal opinion, so just refer to it! First of all, cartilage tying... It seems like the results are somewhat determined by the shape of your nose before the surgery. If you've done some research on cartilage tying, you probably already know this, but there are two important things for cartilage tying to be effective. 1) Skin thickness 2) Cartilage size (strong or not). If your skin is too thick or your cartilage is too small, it may not be effective, so you should be fully aware of this and decide whether or not it's the right surgery for you. If you can't tell for yourself whether your skin is thick or thin or your cartilage is large or not, it's best to go to a hospital and get a consultation (I think it's better to go to several places and get opinions!). There's a butt nose, a nose with a split nose tip . The cartilage is strong, but the skin is thin, so the cartilage is visible. They say that kind of nose is effective for cartilage tying. I didn't have a butt nose, but my friend did , so I compared my nose cartilage to mine while touching her nose . Our skin thickness was similar, but my friend's cartilage felt much stronger. And since cartilage tying alone doesn't have a dramatic effect.. I think it would be good to consider that when choosing the surgery! - That's the end of the review! It's only been 8 days, and I don't see any dramatic changes... But for now, my complex has improved to some extent, and I'm looking forward to the swelling going down more! I searched for information every day for almost a month and chose this surgery carefully, so I'm writing a post to share the information! It's not a big surgery compared to other rhinoplasties, but the nose is the center of the face, so it's important.. I think it would be good to make the best choice with the least risk possible! I'm scared and I hate regrets, so I tend to be very, very conservative and careful about my approach.. So far, I'm satisfied with the results! If you have any questions, leave a comment~!

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Comment 21
로미롬 2024-11-30 (토) 00:05 3 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-11-30 (토) 22:06 2 Days ago Address
이원제경 2024-11-30 (토) 00:21 3 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-11-30 (토) 22:07 2 Days ago Address
한번고 2024-11-30 (토) 00:42 3 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-11-30 (토) 22:07 2 Days ago Address
우울증돋네 2024-11-30 (토) 01:22 3 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-11-30 (토) 22:07 2 Days ago Address
로미롬 2024-11-30 (토) 14:05 2 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-11-30 (토) 22:07 2 Days ago Address
코코쿄쿄어어 2024-11-30 (토) 23:29 2 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-12-01 (일) 14:25 1 Days ago Address
렛츠고해피랄까 2024-12-01 (일) 02:29 2 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-12-01 (일) 14:26 1 Days ago Address
이잉우 2024-12-01 (일) 05:24 1 Days ago Address
스마일꼬부기 Writer 2024-12-01 (일) 14:26 1 Days ago Address
쏘쏘오옹 2024-12-01 (일) 14:55 1 Days ago Address
규규펭귄 2024-12-01 (일) 15:45 1 Days ago Address
두리두리두두 2024-12-02 (월) 00:02 1 Days ago Address
웁스우 2024-12-02 (월) 15:19 12 Hours ago Address
야로 2024-12-02 (월) 19:39 8 Hours ago Address
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