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Nose job

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[Tip of Nose]

Satisfactory review of ㅋㅂㅈ plastic surgery clinic (+additional)

kogo9 2024-11-24 (일) 21:14 6 Days ago 1732

This post was written for the purpose of helping people interested in plastic surgery make decisions, and based on the 'consumer's rights' guaranteed by our Constitution and the Consumer Basic Act, it was written for the purpose of sharing objective facts and sharing information to help other patients and for the public interest. The photos are before the surgery, 6 months after the first surgery, 3 months after the second surgery, and 8 months after the second surgery. My need was 'to make the tip of my nose higher and smooth without any bumps or dents.' I emphasized that I wanted it to be smooth until right before the surgery. After the first surgery, my nose looked lower, so I told the director to have a second surgery. Materials: first surgery: nasal septum, fascia. Second surgery: ear cartilage, silicone. When I was getting the second surgery, I thought it would be a little strange if only the tip of my nose was higher, so I asked them to raise the tip of my nose and raise the overall proportions accordingly. After the second surgery, I told them that only the bridge of my nose between my eyebrows seemed higher than the tip of my nose, but the director 'kindly' told me to wait for it to swell, so I waited. After observing, it seems like I did well in trusting the director^^ The director also said that it went well^^ I think it went well! Right?  ------  + The next day, the hospital contacted me after seeing the review. Since I did some modeling work, they asked if I was a certified model^^ At first, I felt strange, so I asked why they asked, but they didn't give me a separate answer. I felt like they were being considerate, so I'm grateful and writing more! It's a kind and considerate hospital^^

※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

망고당 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 차단하기 2024-11-24 (일) 22:57 6 Days ago
이건 전후 틀린그림 찾기 사진인가?? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Comment 14
망고당 2024-11-24 (일) 22:57 6 Days ago Address
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