<피부 보면 아시겠지만 보정 하나도 없는 전 사진입니다 콧볼이 불룩 입체적으로 튀어나오니까 팔자라인이 강조되는 모습입니다><수술 직후 기차내려가면서 찍었구요 민낯이라 모공, 유분 죄송합니다ㅎ.. 코밑에는 연고에요><저는 금요일에 수술하고 토,일은 요양하다가 월욜 출근부터 화장하고 이게 5일찬데 투명실이라 티 많이 안나요 남들은 내코에 관심이 없어요ㅎ><일주일 조금 넘었을 쯤 실밥은 여전히 있지만 친구들이랑 야구장 같이가서 놀다가 나와서 커피마시면서 얘기했는데 코밑에 피부튼줄 알았다고 말하고나니까 좀 알겠다길래 비포사진들 보여주니까 진짜 자연스레 변했다 하더라구요!!><이게 2주차 고개들면 붉게 흉이 보이죠?><한달 차 조금 웃는것도 편하고 흉관리 한지 얼마 안됐을 때에요>I looked into Unimedi Plastic Surgery because they are good at precise nose tip reduction, along with reviews from other hospitals, and the more I saw of them, the more I thought I had to get it done here. Since I live in Busan, I made an appointment for same-day consultation and surgery.
First of all, those of you who have a slightly large nose compared to your face will know that when you take a selfie, your nose looks big, and when you smile with your nostrils wide open, they look really flat. That’s always been my complex, but I wondered if there was a hospital that could do just the tip of my nose, while Unimedi did just that.
The consultation director explained things well and was very thorough. When I looked in the mirror, she even made a shape for me like this, so I felt confident from the consultation.