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Nose job

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[Arrow Nosw]

The arrow nose made my face look longer, but now it feels round.

m1nu 2024-06-04 (화) 14:55 5 Months ago 2949








My nose is shaped like an arrow, so I was always concerned about the tip of my nose when I smiled, and I also had a slightly hooked beak. I wanted to change the hooked beak and make the tip of my nose a little higher, so I went to several hospitals for consultations, but everyone recommended implants, so I debated whether or not to have surgery. Only Dr. Song Jin-woo of Darum Plastic Surgery Clinic recommended implant-free surgery. They told me that the surgery was possible using the nasal septum and ear cartilage, and the consultation director was so kind that I set a date and had the surgery right after the consultation. When you compare the before and after surgery photos, it's amazing that the nose has become higher and more saggy, so the shape of the nose has completely disappeared, and the beak has also improved. I am very satisfied because my nose line has become smoother and my face has become rounder! And most of all, I am very satisfied that there is no scar left after the surgery!! The answer is to have the surgery done by a doctor who listens carefully to what I say during the consultation, so I can more comfortably tell the details of the shape I want!

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Comment 22
초코칩스 2024-06-04 (화) 16:27 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-05 (수) 12:26 5 Months ago Address
지유낭 2024-06-04 (화) 16:45 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-05 (수) 12:27 5 Months ago Address
차린규연 2024-06-04 (화) 16:46 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-05 (수) 12:27 5 Months ago Address
아놀디 2024-06-04 (화) 19:35 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-05 (수) 12:27 5 Months ago Address
Jina0943 2024-06-05 (수) 01:37 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-05 (수) 12:28 5 Months ago Address
봉미서니 2024-06-06 (목) 01:42 5 Months ago Address
룻룰 2024-06-06 (목) 17:12 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-07 (금) 17:41 5 Months ago Address
응으 2024-06-07 (금) 12:33 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-07 (금) 17:42 5 Months ago Address
응으 2024-06-08 (토) 02:28 5 Months ago Address
Da미 2024-06-17 (월) 23:47 5 Months ago Address
m1nu Writer 2024-06-19 (수) 18:03 5 Months ago Address
빵밤왕 2024-06-20 (목) 07:43 5 Months ago Address
jangjangja… 2024-06-28 (금) 16:46 5 Months ago Address
토톧 2024-09-27 (금) 09:51 2 Months ago Address
미므므 2024-10-06 (일) 19:30 1 Months ago Address
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