It's been 4 months now, and now the occasional pain or tingling pain has completely disappeared, and the surgery scar in my mouth has improved a lot. People who don't know I had surgery without telling them don't even know about contour surgery. The swelling has been minimal for at least 6 months. He said it was there, but it seems to have disappeared. Needless to say, there is no swelling in the nose. Now that the time of being cautious has passed, there is no pain at all, not only in daily life but also in vigorous exercise. What I like the most is that now when I take pictures, they come out much prettier no matter what angle I take them. It's the best, even with the basic camera haha. I still have a slight scar under my nose, but other than that, I don't have any visible scars. I've been eating everything for a long time, so there's nothing special... When I went to the hospital to check on my progress recently, they told me to be careful, but it wasn't up to my standards. I didn't have to eat anything hahaha If I had pain, I wouldn't have eaten, but since I didn't feel any pain at all, it was okay to eat everything.