It's been a year since I had dual cleft + nose revision surgery.
It's already been a year since I had the surgery last spring, and even though I'm in my 40s,
I still enjoy wearing
makeup haha. I saw an article like this and
I think it's really true.
Eyes and nose After the surgery, I was satisfied with my face, so I became more greedy for other things.
I get laser treatment regularly even if there is nothing special going on, and
it feels really good to hear a lot of people say that I am young and pretty at my age.
People around me told me
that if I don't get a revision rhinoplasty, I will be ruined.
I was too scared
to have the surgery . I was so nervous before, but the results came out well, and
now I'm doing well just like I always did.
My eyes are also cooler than before, so I'm satisfied.