It's been about 7 years since I had my first rhinoplasty, and I had no idea there was a problem. Then, people around me told me that the tip of my nose seemed too lifted, so I visited the Plastic Surgery Clinic for the first time to find out if there was something wrong with my nose. The first surgery used silicone + ear cartilage + nasal septum cartilage, but I had a slightly hooked nose, so I shaved off the hooked part, but after hearing from Dr. Bang-Seok Lee that there was a problem caused by the part being blown off, and that there was a lot of inflammation in the silicone area. I decided to have surgery on the same day. The surgical method was performed without implants, including autologous rib surgery, nose tip lowering surgery, and nose contracture treatment.
I wanted a pretty nose shape with the tip being higher than the bridge of the nose. In the past, the nose bridge was high and the tip was not that high. During the revision surgery, they focused on making the tip of the nose look prettier, so I am very satisfied.