I really, truly regret it. For the second surgery, my columella was slightly lowered, so I raised the columella, removed about 1-2 mm of silicone from the bridge of my nose, and had a nostril lowering procedure, but my nose ended up completely blocked. I really think I'm going to get depressed. The removal of silicone from the bridge of my nose wasn't what I wanted, but the director took it away, asking why I was putting something so small, and there was no information about the nostril lowering, so I went in without knowing anything, and the nasal passages aren't much different from before. ㅇㄱㅈ ㅇㅇㅇ I did it here and I want to turn back time.
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저도 진짜 후회하구요
저는 연골 피부를 얼마나 쳐넣었는지 한쪽 코구멍은
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코 들면 안쪽 콧날개 주위로 흉살 대박 덕지덕지 달려있고
그거 제거해도 이식 피부는 다 제거 못한다고 아직도 콧날개 위쪽 입구에 나란히 흉이 볼록 코딱지같이 달려있어요
진짜 개후회합니다.
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