Yesterday, after I got all the stitches removed and came home, I was pressing
the bridge of my nose and it felt good so I was sweeping the bridge of my nose once and
I felt something hard the size of a grain of rice in the middle of my left nostril...
Do you know that feeling? It feels like my nose bone wasn't cut straight... They put the bones together but it feels like there's still remnants on both sides...
I'm so scared I don't think I'll be able to spend the Lunar New Year properly ㅠ.ㅠ
Ahhhhh I really thought it was the end...
The tip of my nose kept going down so much it was like "Ahhhh" but the bridge
of my nose is like "Ahhhhh"
If anyone knows, please give me some advice ㅠ_ㅠ