I had a septum lengthening surgery with a short nose + a hollow nose, and Im waiting for the reoperation for 6 months. Nasal septum extension is an operation with many problems and side effects. 1) Since the nasal septum is cut inside the nose, if the nose is sensitive, rhinitis, or a person with a slightly bent septum (normal people are slightly curved), the nasal septum will be blocked for a month even if the cotton is removed. It is impossible to live a normal life because I have to go to the otolaryngology every day. I cant even sleep like a dog because I breathe through my mouth, and at the hospital its just because of swelling~ Itll get better with time ^^ Management of side effects is solely up to you. 2) And if the situation is a little more serious, there may be blood in the collected nasal septum space. Its called a hematoma, but if you go to the hospital and ask for it to be removed, the nasal septum is torn off with a mass 11 without anesthesia. The hydrogen peroxide swells and the blood runs down your throat. I did this twice Its really fucking hard. If you dont remove this, it will cause inflammation. 3) Nasal septum extension surgery does not use a support for the bridge of the nose. It is a method of adding the septal cartilage that has just been removed to the septal cartilage. So the nose is definitely raised, but even if the surgery goes well, there are side effects. Thats right, it comes with a nose seal. People with long chins should seriously think about it. Still, the long chin looks longer. 4) Laughing is so damn unnatural. This is a disadvantage of nasal septum extension that can definitely raise the nose. The tip of the nose is hard, then. The nasal septum is a case where the nasal septum is artificially added to the nasal septum. When you smile, your lips dont rise as high as your pre-operative smile. I cant smile broadly, and it becomes awkward laughing lips. For short nose + full nose, which you want to get rid of the length of your nose, the answer is unconditionally (reverse) rotation extension using the recently developed ear cartilage. The nasal septum was developed a long time ago, so there are too many side effects. For reference, I had surgery at the head of a place in Apgujeong, Gangnam.