I had revision surgery a year ago with costal cartilage harvesting and autologous rib.
I'm very satisfied with my nose, but the scar on the costal cartilage area
is still red ㅠㅠ It's bumpy and
red and bulging out like it was burned in a hot place.
I don't have a keloid constitution, I have better skin tone than other people, and scars
don't form easily... But I'm satisfied with my nose and there's nothing wrong with it
. But I don't think I'll ever wear a bikini again?
I liked crop tops, but I have a scar on my side, so
I'm really self-conscious about wearing short clothes and I can't wear them ㅜㅜ
I went to a dermatologist, but they said that dermatological procedures have limitations and
that I'll probably have to go to a plastic surgeon
(with a skin graft) ㅠㅠㅠㅠ