<<BEFORE>><<BEFORE>><<BEFORE>><<AFTER>><<AFTER>><<AFTER>><>><>><>><>><>><>>It’s been about a month since I had eye and nose surgery at AB Plastic Surgery!!
I had a complex about my eyes being too small and my beak was a bit severe, so I decided to have surgery. Directors Park Seong-ho and Lee Jeong-hwan were both kind and gave me detailed consultations, and I was convinced that it would be okay to entrust my eyes and nose to them, so I paid the deposit on the same day. I put it in, and in case I changed my mind, I just put in the deposit and they gave me a generous 100% refund period, so I was able to sell my hands and feet more meticulously during that time!!
After the surgery, the cotton pad in my nose was removed two days later, but I think it was very uncomfortable until then. Rather than being painful, it was painful that I had to lie down and sleep with my head higher than my heart, and that I had to breathe only through my mouth. Except for the cotton, I was able to breathe, but I couldn't wash it until a week later, when the splint was taken off, and the area where the splint was itchy. Other than that it was okay!!
I did it with an autologous rib, but the autologous rib incision was uncomfortable for 2-3 weeks, as if I had muscle pain, but now it's really improved a lot!!
Since the eyes were not made through incisions, the swelling went down quickly and there was no discomfort!!
Currently, all the major swelling has gone down, and I am satisfied that it looks the way I wanted!! And every friend I met said that it turned out very naturally, so I thought I did a good job with the surgery!!