Hello, I am a man in my 20s who got rhinoplasty… I didn’t know anything and just thought that I would look pretty if I just got my nose done, so I got rhinoplasty without any information about noses. First, I had rib osteotomy, a bulbous nose, a crooked nose, and 3mm of silicone inserted. After getting the surgery, I am so upset and it is so hard because my nose does not match my image as a person… And it feels like the tip of my nose is pulled too far forward, like Pinocchio… My mother’s nose had a naturally thick bridge and a bulbous nose. So I want to remove the whole thing, but I am so worried that my nose will turn out worse than my mother’s nose after it is completely removed… What should I do? ㅠㅠ The reason I am writing this is because I want to get some comfort and because I never want to get rhinoplasty again. If I do it this time, I want to remove the whole thing, but is it okay to do it…?