It was a concern that my forehead was high and that it didn't have a three-dimensional feel when viewed from the front,
but my biggest concern was that my nose tip looked blunt and spread out, which was one of the reasons I decided to get rhinoplasty.
However, when I was looking into getting a similar bulbous nose correction, the most common advice
I got was that it would be good to get the tip of my nose made straight and flashy.
I'm not the type to be flashy, and
I thought that if I got it wrong, it would look like a big nose, so I was worried a lot.
The only one I saw on April 31st was a bulbous nose correction that didn't look too extreme, which is what I wanted, so I decided to get the surgery.
Looking at my condition now, a month later, I'm very satisfied and I think it was a really good choice.