It's already been a month since the surgery!!!
I feel like I can see the swelling going down every day after the nose surgery.
Now, even when I take pictures from the front, the nose swelling doesn't look that bad.
I feel like I'm being rewarded
for going to various consultations to get the surgery on a cold day
. It would be nice if it went down a little more. Now I can't clearly see that it's falling out even more!
Before the surgery, my nose itself was not low but a bit short.
Dr. Cora said it would be good to just create a line using non-implants, so I had the nose surgery with no implants!
I was always worried about my nose every time I took a picture, but now
I feel good because it looks good in the picture haha.
You asked me what ingredients I used, so I added some information!
Bridge of nose - Septum / Tip of nose - I used nasal septum and ear cartilage!
I corrected the osteotomy and short nose without using silicone!!
안녕하세요! 후기글 보고 저도 늘 코 때문에 스트레스 받아오다가 코수술 드디어 결심하고 찾아보는데 실리콘은 정말 미래를 생각해서 안 해야 할 것 같고 정말 두렵기도 하고..그래서 무보형물로 하고 싶다는 생각이 들더라구요 너무 예쁘게 잘 되신 걸 보니 궁금해서 댓글 남깁니다! 혹시 어느 병원 어느 원장님이신지 알 수 있을까요? 또 비용은 어느정도 드셨는지 실례가 안 된다면 물어봐도 될까요?? 저는 정말 성형에 무지해서 ㅠㅠ 상담도 여러군데 해봐야할까요? 몇군데정도 상담해보시고 선택하시게 된 건지 여쭤봐도 될까요?ㅠㅠ