<<재수술 전, 정면> 인중이 길어보이고 콧구멍 모양 이상함, 코 찝혀보임 ><<재수술 2주차, 정면> 인중 길어보임 줄어들고 코 모양, 찝힌 느낌 개선 됐음 ><<재수술 전, 측면> 콧구멍이 잘 보이고 들려보임, 코가 짧고 작은 느낌><<재수술 한달차, 측면> 코끝 모양이 많이 개선 됐음 짧은 느낌 사라짐 ><> The philtrum looks long, the shape of the nostrils is strange, and the nose looks pinched ><> The appearance of lengthened philtrum was reduced, and the shape of the nose and pinched feeling were improved. ><> The nostrils are clearly visible and lifted, the nose feels short and small><> The shape of the tip of the nose has improved a lot, the short feeling has disappeared >I didn't know I would be undergoing a second surgery, and it was difficult to recognize
the second surgery, but after the second surgery, the parts I was unsatisfied with in the first round seemed to have improved a lot.
Because of the shape of the nose tip, I had a strong
image overall.
I didn't expect a dramatic effect because I knew that I
didn't get surgery well because I had failed once, but I
didn't expect a dramatic effect, but I thought it was more
than I thought.
For those who want to touch on only the parts that need to be improved naturally, I will recommend K Plus.
And my reviews are included, but don't rely too much on the reviews,
just refer to them
. I hope there will be no second and third times~