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아무말 않고 전후 사진만 올리겠습니다

똘콩 2019-03-22 (금) 13:22 5 Years ago 12744
수술 전

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놀랍게도 수술 후

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놀랍게도 수술 후

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놀랍게도 수술 후

<놀랍게도 수술 후>

놀랍게도 수술 후

<놀랍게도 수술 후>

놀랍게도 수술 후

<놀랍게도 수술 후>

어떤 성형수술이던 간에 5군데의 성형외과 리스트를 뽑았다 하면 꼭 그 5군데를 다 가보십시오.
고민, 카톡 상담, 전화 상담으로 혼자 결론을 내버리면 절대 안됩니다.
간혹 '전화 상담하시는 분이 불친절하길래 다른 병원에서 수술하기로 결심했다'는 글 보면 늘 안타까운게 차라리 불친절하더라도 실력 빠방한 병원 가는게 훨 낫습니다.
모 어플에서 된통 당하고 성예사로 넘어온 분들이 많으실 것 같은데요.
'내가 뽑은 리스트에 있는 병원이 찬양글 밖에 없다'하는 병원은 무조건 거르시길 바랍니다.
기계가 수술하지 않는 이상 무조건 부작용, 효과 더딤이 발생할 수 밖에 없습니다.
예찬글 밖에 없는 병원은 무조건 브로커가 있는 병원으로 저를 걸고 감히 블랙 리스트에 올려도 된다고 말씀 드립니다.
특히 상담 시 내가 먼저 모 어플을 언급하지도 않았는데 실장 혹은 성형외과 직원이 모 어플 관련 얘기를 조금이라도 꺼낸다면(ex. 우리 병원은 모 어플에 올리지 말라고~ 말라고~ 하는데도 고객님들이 후기글 올려주시더라고용 오홍홍홍) 다시 한 번 의심해보시길 바랍니다.
전 모 어플에 후기글 올렸다가 새벽에 고객님이 쓴 글 봤다고 아침에 카톡 오고, 전화 오고, 실장 개인 휴대폰으로 전화 오고, 제 글 캡쳐해 가지고 오면서 예약 취소해달라는 사람이 7명이니 내원해서 해결하라는 둥 입금 전과는 너무나도 다른 태도에 경이로움을 느끼는 요즈음입니다.
물론 모 어플 글은 병원에서 명예훼손으로 신고하여 블라인드 처리되었는데요.
여기서의 함정은 그 짧은 시간에 댓글과 쪽지로 수많은 분들이 이 병원에 대해 알지 못했던 또다른 뒷면의 얘기들을 아주 많이 해주셨다는 겁니다.
신한카드 무이자 6개월까지 된댔으면서 나중에 카드 내역 보니 다달이 이자 나가고 있던 건 애교로 봐드릴려구요ㅋ

다른 제 사사로운 감정이 들어간 글은 쓰지 않겠습니다.

상체 지방 흡입 두 병원에서 두번 다 말아먹은 사람으로써 상담 시 팁(세상 진상 손님처럼 굴어야 됩니다)
1. 원장이 초음파로 부위별 진단하는지 확인
ex. 배에 초음파 갔다대면서 "어이구, 여기는 지방도 지방인데 내장지방이 많네. 다 빼주긴 빼줄 건데 내장지방이 많아서 다 빼도 배가 좀 나와보일 수 있어요."

2. 광고, 실장, 원장이 하나 같이 다 리터치 무제한을 외칠 겁니다.
거기에 속지 마시고 애초에 상담할 때부터 "리터치할 지방이 없게 다 빼주세요"라고 강하게 얘기하세요.
입금 전엔 a라고 말했다 수술 후엔 b라고 말하는 성형외과가 태반입니다.
물론 지방 덜 빠지면 리터치로 더 뺄 순 있습니다.
하지만 왕복 시간, 비용, 수술 시간, 고통, 약값, 일상생활 불가능, 최소 6개월 지나야 재수술 가능 등 모든게 2배라는 점 알아두시고요.
"아직 수술한지 2달 지난 것도 아니고, 울퉁불퉁한게 있는 것도 아니지 않냐"라고 말씀하신다고요?
수술한지 2달 지나서 다시 성형외과 가면 "아직 수술한지 3달 지난 것도 아니고~"라고 하실 겁니다.

3. 지방통에 날짜, 이름, 용량 적어서 사진 찍어달라고 하세요.
지방통 사진 보내달라 하면 아무것도 안적힌 지방통 사진 보냅니다.
그 지방통이 제 지방통이란 증거도 없고 "원랜 지방통 보내드리는데 징그럽다고 보내지 말라는 고객들 때문에 보내달라는 고객님들께만 보내드려요"라는 tmi도 알게 됩니다.

4. 상담 시 부작용 나거나 효과 미비했던 고객들 전후 사진도 보여달라고 하세요.

5. 전후 둘레 잴 때 본인 눈 앞에서 재라고 하세요.
수술 후 제 눈으로도, 친구들 눈으로도, 남친 눈으로도, 모 어플 댓글 제3자가 봐도 달라진게 없어 전후 둘레를 알려달라고 했습니다.
왼쪽은 몇에서 몇, 오른쪽은 몇에서 몇 줄었다고 카톡으로 보내더라고요?
여기서의 함정?
전 수술 후에 단 한 번도 둘레를 잰 적이 없습니다.
도대체 그 수치는 어디서 나온 걸까요?
대략 이쯤 지어내자 해서 보낸 걸까요?
혹시 수술방에서 수술이 다 끝난 직후에 쟀을까요?
수술 직후엔 달라보이는게 없고 장기간의 붓기 싸움을 거친 뒤 그 붓기와 바본이 빠져야만 효과가 보일텐데 왜 굳이 수술방에서 쟀을까요?
수술 후 회복실로 이동되자마자 마취가 풀려 바로 라커에서 휴대폰 가져와서 단톡방에 붕대 감긴 팔 보낸 1인입니다.

여러분, 성형외과는 대기업입니다.
저희가 아무리 부작용, 효과 없음으로 어플에 글을 쓰고 사이트에 글을 써도 성형외과의 영원한 고객이 아닌 잠깐의 돈줄일 뿐입니다.
물론 제가 운이 없던 거일 수도 있습니다.
성형빨 잘 받는 사람들은 저와 같은 시간에 같은 원장한테 받아도 대성공할 수 있다는 말입니다.
저희는 성형하려고 몇 년 동안 돈을 모을 수도, 거액을 할부로 낼 수도 있지만 성형외과에겐 그저 몇 천명 중 한명일 뿐입니다.
맛집 가서 내 돈 주고 음식 사먹었는데 맛없길래 sns에 기대 이하라고 평을 남기는 것처럼 성형외과도 똑같다고 생각합니다.
다만 고갱님~ 고갱님~ 하던 성형외과의 태도가 명예훼손이라느니 영업 방해라느니 갖고 있는 권력, 재력, 부로 힘없는 소비자를 입막음시킨다는 거.
선택은 여러분, 나 자신의 몫입니다.
선택을 하지 말라는게 아니고 선택하기 전에 정말 많은 것을 조사하고, 수술한 사람한테 쪽지도 보내보고, 타 병원이랑 이 병원이랑 고민된다 했을 때, 그 이유가 거리이거나 금액일 때 더더욱 타 병원 상담도 받아보시길 바랍니다.

이렇게 긴 글을 읽어주시는 분이 계실진 모르겠지만 있다면 정말 감사드리고요
'개인적으로' 궁금한 거 있으면 쪽지 주세요!
(모 어플은 쪽지까지 감시한다고 합니다)

Comment 67
어러푸쿠 2019-03-22 (금) 14:32 5 Years ago Address
It was a good read. There were so many parts I sympathized with. So I became more cautious. ㅠㅠ
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 03:09 5 Years ago Address
[@Areopuku] What part did you agree with?
어러푸쿠 2019-03-26 (화) 10:44 5 Years ago Address
[@Ddolkong] Customers say they want to save money for a little while... Before and after payment are different... They only show good reviews for before and after photos and don't want to take responsibility... Thinking about it again makes me sick.
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-29 (금) 23:34 5 Years ago Address
[@Areopuku] That's right... Even if I were the director, I would only show good reviews, but I shouldn't say anything that I can't keep in the first place.
수술첫1 2019-03-22 (금) 16:00 5 Years ago Address
Wow, that’s amazing.. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for the good information.
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 03:08 5 Years ago Address
[@Surgery First 1] What is the best part?
야마림 2019-03-23 (토) 02:59 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅜㅜI read it all to the end. I knew about hospitals at first glance, but I was trying hard to deny it, but after reading the article, it became clear haha. Thank you for the information. I support you. ㅜㅜ
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 03:08 5 Years ago Address
[@Yamarim] Thank you for reading this long article@_@
여리여리 2019-03-23 (토) 10:01 5 Years ago Address
Is it a fat-dissolving injection?? Or did you get liposuction? I'm looking into it these days. You must be really upset.
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 03:06 5 Years ago Address
[@] Surprisingly, it is breathable^,^
헤즐럿에고 2019-03-30 (토) 09:37 5 Years ago Address
[@Dtolkong]   Where did you get it done? I saw it on the app and chose the hospital. I live in a rural area, but I'm worried about going all the way to Seoul.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:36 5 Years ago Address
[@HeazletEgo] It’s ㅋㄹㅇ!
하삥 2019-03-24 (일) 04:29 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠ I did it this time, and it would have been better if I had known about it in advance. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ That's an after picture, so I'm upset.
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 03:07 5 Years ago Address
[@Hakin] I hope you have great success >_<
YoYa 2019-03-26 (화) 08:33 5 Years ago Address
???????????????????????????????////Inhalation??????What is it......ㅡㅡ
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-29 (금) 23:38 5 Years ago Address
[@YoYa] When I was getting plastic surgery, there were hospitals that filmed the entire surgery, but now I just feel like it was my fault lol.
앤시아 2019-03-27 (수) 21:47 5 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-29 (금) 23:35 5 Years ago Address
[@Anthea] The scar is 2cm long and very dark (that's how long I got the scar injection^~^)
cloud 2019-03-29 (금) 21:57 5 Years ago Address
That's fur ㅜㅜㅜ Thank you for giving me great tips on choosing a good plastic surgery clinic!
똘콩 Writer 2019-03-29 (금) 23:39 5 Years ago Address
[@cloud] Through this opportunity, I learned what it means to learn painfully.^~*
중중이중중 2019-03-30 (토) 16:03 5 Years ago Address
I'm looking into it too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Wow, the hospital really has no conscience... You must be very upset ㅠㅠㅜ
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-01 (월) 15:47 5 Years ago Address
[@Jungjung Double Middle] There are a lot of black hospitals that need to be filtered out among Jiheub hospitals, so dig up as many as you can.
얼굴형별론데눈코만해… 2019-03-30 (토) 17:09 5 Years ago Address
What on earth is defamation? It's defamation, and all the apps that blinded it are part of it. It's shocking that even the claims that only “real” reviews are posted were all scams. In the midst of all the unreliable reviews, I really appreciate the honest and helpful review. Thank you so much for the app. And after just looking at this cafe, I thought to myself that it might still be 80% trustworthy. You must be upset, I made a choice that I regret too. I won't fail this time. I hope only good things happen to you this year!
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-01 (월) 15:52 5 Years ago Address
[@Is it okay to just have eyes and nose depending on your face type?] I felt so betrayed by that app that I deleted it. Of course, there are people who write because it is really good, but if you watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cidgDVsoQ8 , you can see more. I think it will help you
리힛 2022-06-29 (수) 06:24 2 Years ago Address
[@Dtolkong] I have to try to pick out the gems. I'm going to google reviews from 5 years ago.
엥뀨 2019-04-02 (화) 12:00 5 Years ago Address
ㅠ̑̈ What are the interest-free installments? Really..... Unscrupulous doctors really ;; I don't know why you're making money like that..
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:37 5 Years ago Address
[@Engkyung] I don’t trust everything from start to finish haha.
Jinnee 2019-04-02 (화) 21:38 5 Years ago Address
Wow ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ You must be so upset........ Thank you so much for writing it down in detail.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:38 5 Years ago Address
[@Jinnee] Doubt and doubt againㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
이새침 2019-04-03 (수) 21:35 5 Years ago Address
Aren’t there many hospitals without ultrasound machines? I wonder if I should choose a hospital with an ultrasound machine ㅠㅠ Anyway, you must be so heartbroken ㅠㅠ
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:38 5 Years ago Address
[@Lee Sae-chim] There are many, but choose a hospital that gives you at least a little trust.
하늘쨔응 2019-04-04 (목) 03:08 5 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:39 5 Years ago Address
[@Haneuljjyeon] I was blinded because I wore it in less than 24 hours, but you saw it in that moment. Thank you.
하늘쨔응 2019-04-13 (토) 20:49 5 Years ago Address
[@Ddolkong]   Ah, somehow, I tried to find it again and read the review, but it was gone.... The app is really good ㅜㅜ Cheer up ㅜㅜ
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-21 (일) 13:58 5 Years ago Address
[@Haneuljjaeung] If the surgery had been done properly at the hospital, there wouldn't have been posts like this and everyone would be fine, but they couldn't even think about their lack of skills and are calling it defamation ㅜㅜ
seu 2019-04-05 (금) 15:57 5 Years ago Address
Thank you for your hard work ㅠㅠ I enjoyed the review. I will keep it in mind.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:43 5 Years ago Address
[@seu] Of course, there are people who had successful surgery at that hospital, but plastic surgery is 200% luck.
ㅈㅇㅈ90 2019-04-06 (토) 22:21 5 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-07 (일) 23:35 5 Years ago Address
[@ㅈㅇㅈ90] It’s ㅋㄹㅇ!
웰니수 2019-04-10 (수) 21:54 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠㅠNo, you must be so upset... Money is wasted... Doctors without conscienceㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-21 (일) 13:56 5 Years ago Address
[@Wellnisu] The manager and employees all have no conscience...
김뿌 2019-04-14 (일) 00:36 5 Years ago Address
Well, I really sympathize. It's just a short-term money giveaway. I save up the money I have at that moment and proudly drive a foreign car... Tsk haha.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-21 (일) 13:55 5 Years ago Address
[@Kimpu] This is why adults told me to study until I was tired...
하나나12 2019-04-27 (토) 10:19 5 Years ago Address
What is the name of the app? Is it ㅂㅂㅌ which is popular these days?? I'm also planning to go to Seoul for consultation, so I'll get some help. Thank you.
똘콩 Writer 2019-04-28 (일) 17:41 5 Years ago Address
[@Hanana12] That’s right!!
Sunnyda 2019-04-30 (화) 22:59 5 Years ago Address
I'm a local, so it's hard to sell my feet, so I was just going to go to two or three places (ㅌㄹㅇ.ㄹㅇㅋㅇ.ㅊㄷㅇㄴ)... but I'm having a hard time choosing a hospital. I think it'll be a lot of help to get these tips.
똘콩 Writer 2019-05-02 (목) 02:27 5 Years ago Address
[@Sunnyda] I live in Seoul. What did I believe in when I went there? It seems that the end of plastic surgery failure is my own fault + liberation. I hope you succeed by comparing and analyzing a lot of things.
Ryuu 2019-05-13 (월) 00:13 5 Years ago Address
I read to the end. Thank you for your hard work. I will keep this in mind. Thank you!
똘콩 Writer 2019-05-14 (화) 03:47 5 Years ago Address
[@Ryuu] I hope for good results!
순두부둡 2019-05-20 (월) 23:02 5 Years ago Address
Thank you very much for your valuable advice. Now I realize how hastily I paid the reservation deposit, and I regret it so much. In addition, there was a post recently posted that I had a reoperation because of scars and dents at that hospital... Honestly, until I saw this post, I thought, 'Wow... I'm the director, so can I do that too? ?' I wanted to do it even more, but now I finally came to my senses! I heard it. Thank you so much♡♡♡
똘콩 Writer 2019-05-29 (수) 15:40 5 Years ago Address
[@Sundubudup] It's annoying, and the reviews are all praise, so it seems like everyone is making the same mistake. Customers have less knowledge than people involved in plastic surgery and are bound to be ignorant, so they know that and use marketing tactics to take customers' money, and the result is nothing. The problem is that it's bullshit. To be honest, no matter how unfriendly the consultation is, how long you wait, and how expensive it is, as long as the results are good, customers will line up even if you don't advertise. Of course, Sundubudup will have good results, but a few million won is not a small amount of money and it's not something you can get back . I hope everything with your surgery/poetry is successful >_<
PerfectImp… 2019-05-29 (수) 10:32 5 Years ago Address
I wonder if it’s here ㅠㅠㅠ ha......
똘콩 Writer 2019-05-29 (수) 15:36 5 Years ago Address
[@PerfectImperfection] It’s ㅋㄹㅇ
리힛 2022-06-29 (수) 06:26 2 Years ago Address
[@PerfectImperfection] Is ㅌㄹㅇ also black?
엽여 2019-06-24 (월) 22:50 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠI'm so upset. I collected everything and looked at the app, made a list, and did my best. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so scared and my heart is racing. Now... I almost made a big mistake if I didn't write this... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ A place that films and shows surgery scenes. Is it a little more trustworthy? If I'm not confident that I can use all of those tips and become a perfect guest, is it right not to do it... ha...
똘콩 Writer 2019-07-23 (화) 16:32 5 Years ago Address
[@Yeopyeo] Since the general public doesn't know anything, it's only right to look at the app, pull out a list, and make a fuss. The problem is that clinics and clinics that are not plastic surgery clinics that abuse that and make exaggerated and false advertisements pretend to be hospitals and deceive consumers. The two hospitals that got the same results. If this were the case, hospitals that filmed and showed surgery scenes would naturally be more trustworthy. When we are under anesthesia on the operating table, the only people who can tell us what to do or say to us will be the director and staff in the operating room. Everyone who undergoes plastic surgery will do well. You get surgery with only expectations. I was just unlucky. I wrote this to encourage you to study hard so that you don't have any regrets and don't blame yourself no matter what the results are, and don't end up like me!
고대로하곻븐 2019-07-29 (월) 17:38 5 Years ago Address
I am a person who has only been eye-catching for 3 years. At first, I decided that it was absolutely okay, but it gave me goosebumps. I was shouting that it was a new world compared to other apps, and then I found out about a broker and ended up here. I only have 20% that I could fail with Kebake. I will become pretty. This thought. It's worth it, but after reading the posts here, I'm changing my mind to think of it as a stake these days. Thank you for the long article.
쭌ㅇl쭌 2019-09-08 (일) 20:53 5 Years ago Address
The before and after photos are terrible. Did you have surgery?
넓음이 2019-09-27 (금) 20:24 5 Years ago Address
Ah... Thank you for your hard work... The hospital where I had my first surgery before went out of business... hahahaha The person I worked with there had a re-operation, and they recommended it to me too, so I didn't even bother to ask... It's a place where celebrities have been to. It was an old doctor's hospital where I had been inhaling for a long time. I took 1100 for topical treatment on my arms and abdomen. My money is 400 hahahaha. It's really hard to look for another surgery. I don't know how many times I overturned the list... I congratulate you for your hard work.
리힛 2022-06-29 (수) 06:28 2 Years ago Address
[@Broad]   Is it by any chance?
아기꽃 2019-10-03 (목) 23:55 4 Years ago Address
Hey, is it Seocho-dong? Which director are you?
서려닝 2021-02-05 (금) 15:13 3 Years ago Address
Can you tell me where the hospital is?
Kikiki009 2021-03-21 (일) 16:45 3 Years ago Address
Where is this hospital...?
제누메 2021-10-19 (화) 20:29 2 Years ago Address
Wow.. it's really a mess. You must have worked so hard.. I don't know why I'm suffering after paying my own money. It's really a mess.
밍키01 2021-12-30 (목) 01:28 2 Years ago Address
I am hesitating due to concerns about side effects and distrust of hospitals. Can I know where you did it and what kind of director you were?
토미에리 2022-10-06 (목) 02:13 1 Years ago Address
Please give me the hospital information haha ​​ㅠ I will refer to the article too ㅠ
녹는바위 2022-12-20 (화) 14:26 1 Years ago Address
I'll have to look into it carefully . You must be very upset. ㅜㅠ
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